Journals Research in Transportation Business and Management

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Research in Transportation Business and Management
Sustainability and Transportation Management
Transport Management and the Reduction of Transport's Carbon Footprint
Marketing Transport/Branding Transportation
Benchmarking, Performance Measurement and Best Practices in Transport Operations
Franchising, Concessions and Alternate Governance Mechanisms for Transport Organisations
Logistics and the Integration of Transportation into Freight Supply Chains
Risk Management (or Asset Management or Transportation Finance or ...): Lessons from Multiple Modes
Engaging the Stakeholder in Transportation Governance
Reliability in the Freight Sector
Research in Transportation Business & Management (RTBM) will publish research on international aspects of transport management such as business strategy, communication, sustainability, finance, human resource management, law, logistics, marketing, franchising, privatisation and commercialisation. Research in Transportation Business & Management welcomes proposals for themed volumes from scholars in management, in relation to all modes of transport. Issues should be cross-disciplinary for one mode or single-disciplinary for all modes. We are keen to receive proposals that combine and integrate theories and concepts that are taken from or can be traced to origins in different disciplines or lessons learned from different modes and approaches to the topic. By facilitating the development of interdisciplinary or intermodal concepts, theories and ideas, and by synthesizing these for the journal's audience, we seek to contribute to both scholarly advancement of knowledge and the state of managerial practice.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

Αποτελέσματα για 1-2 από 2.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
12020Decarbonizing maritime transport: A Ro-Pax case studyZis, Thalis ; Psaraftis, Harilaos N. ; Tillig, Fabian ; Ringsberg, Jonas W. 
21-Μαρ-2017Reforming public port authorities through multiple concession agreements: The case of CyprusPanayides, Photis ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Andreou, Christoforos K.