Journals Composite Structures

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Composite Structures
Composite materials
Structural applications
Engineering structures
Load-bearing components
Composite structures
The past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials in structural applications. There can be little doubt that, within engineering circles, composites have revolutionised traditional design concepts and made possible an unparalleled range of new and exciting possibilities as viable materials for construction. Composite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials. The journal publishes papers which contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. Papers deal with design, research and development studies, experimental investigations, theoretical analysis and fabrication techniques relevant to the application of composites in load-bearing components for assemblies, ranging from individual components such as plates and shells to complete composite structures.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal Webpage
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

Αποτελέσματα για 1-6 από 6.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
11-Μαρ-2021Micromechanical analysis of thermoelastic and magnetoelectric composite and reinforced shellsChristofi, Iraklis M. ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
215-Ιου-2017Micromechanical modeling of thin composite and reinforced magnetoelectric plates – Effective elastic, piezoelectric and piezomagnetic coefficientsHadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Saha, Gobinda ; Christoforidis, K.G. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
31-Δεκ-2015Localized buckling in sandwich struts with inhomogeneous deformations in both face platesYiatros, Stylianos ; Marangos, Orestes ; Wadee, M. Ahmer ; Georgiou, Christodoulos 
4Ιου-2009Asymptotic homogenization model for 3D grid-reinforced composite structures with generally orthotropic reinforcementsKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Hassan, Essmat M. ; Savi, Marcelo Amorim ; Georgiades, Tasos 
5Ιου-2007Asymptotic homogenization modeling of thin composite network structuresChallagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos 
6Ιου-2007General micromechanical modeling of smart composite shells with application to smart honeycomb sandwich structuresKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Saha, Gobinda ; Georgiades, Tasos