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Αποτελέσματα για 21-34 από 34.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
21Απρ-2019Sub-lethal concentrations of neonicotinoid insecticides at the field level affect negatively honey yield: Evidence from a 6-year survey of Greek apiariesChambers, Robert G. ; Chatzimichael, Konstantinos ; Tzouvelekas, Vangelis M. 
22Απρ-2019Risk factors for gestational diabetes: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studiesGiannakou, Konstantinos ; Evangelou, Evangelos ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Christophi, Costas A. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Papatheodorou, Evgenia ; Papatheodorou, Stefania 
23Μαρ-2018Genetic diversity of Avena ventricosa populations along an ecogeographical transect in Cyprus is correlated to environmental variablesConstandinou, Stella ; Nikoloudakis, Nikolaos ; Kyratzis, Angelos C. ; Katsiotis, Andreas 
24Νοε-2017Modifications of hemoglobin and myoglobin by Maillard reaction products (MRPs)Ioannou, Aristos ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
25Νοε-2017Monumental olive trees of Cyprus contributed to the establishment of the contemporary olive germplasmAnestiadou, Katerina ; Nikoloudakis, Nikolaos ; Hagidimitriou, Marianna ; Katsiotis, Andreas 
26Οκτ-2017Computer aided detection in prostate cancer diagnostics: A promising alternative to biopsy? A retrospective study from 104 lesions with histological ground truthThon, Anika ; Teichgräber, Ulf ; Tennstedt-Schenk, Cornelia ; Hadjidemetriou, Stathis ; Winzler, Sven ; Malich, Ansgar ; Papageorgiou, Ismini 
2726-Οκτ-2016Human exposures to Bisphenol A, Bisphenol F and Chlorinated Bisphenol a derivatives and thyroid functionAndrianou, Xanthi ; Gängler, Stephanie ; Piciu, Andra ; Charisiadis, Pantelis ; Zira, Christina ; Aristidou, Kyriacos ; Piciu, Doina ; Hauser, Russ ; Makris, Konstantinos C. 
281-Ιου-2016Guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation as a cluster of symptoms management intervention in patients receiving chemotherapy: A randomized control trialCharalambous, Andreas ; Giannakopoulou, Margarita ; Bozas, Evangelos ; Marcou, Yiola ; Kitsios, Petros ; Paikousis, Lefkios 
297-Δεκ-2015Effects of sublethal concentrations of insecticides on the functional response of two mirid generalist predatorsMartinou, Angeliki F. ; Stavrinides, Menelaos 
3015-Αυγ-2014Selection signatures in worldwide sheep populationsFariello, María Inés ; Servin, Bertrand ; Tosser-Klopp, Gwenola ; Rupp, Rachel ; Moreno, Carole Rénée ; Cristobal, Magali San ; Boitard, Simon B. ; Arranz, Juan Jose ; Banos, Georgios ; Barendse, William J. ; El Beltagy, Ahmedn ; Benenwitz, Jorn ; Bishop, Steve C. ; Bunger, Lutz ; Calvo, Jorge H. ; Carta, Antonello ; Cemal, İbrahim ; Ciani, Elena ; Cockett, Noelle E. ; Coltman, David W. ; Dalrymple, Brian P. ; D'Andrea, Mariasilvia Silvia ; Distl, Ottmar ; Drogemuller, Cord ; Erhardt, Georg J. ; Eythorsdottir, Emma ; Gietzen, Kimberly J. ; Gill, Clare ; Gootwine, Clare ; Gupta, Vidya Shrikant ; Hanotte, Olivier H. ; Hayes, Ben J. ; Heaton, Michael P. ; Hiendleder, Stefan G. ; Jialin, Han ; Kantanen, Juha ; Kent, Matthew ; Kijas, James W. ; Larkin, Denis M. ; Lenstra, Johannes A. ; Li, Kui ; Longhurst, Terry ; Ma, Runlin ; McCulloch, Russell J. ; MacHugh, David E. ; McWilliam, Sean M. ; McEwan, John C. ; Maddox, Jillian F. ; Malek, Massoud ; Mdomar, Faruque ; Miltiadou, Despoina ; Monteagudo Ibez, Luis V. ; Nicholas, Frank W. ; Nowak, Kristen J. ; Oddy, Victor Hutton ; Paiva, Samuel Rezende ; Pardeshi, Varsha Chhotusing ; Pemberton, Josephine M. M. ; Pilla, Fabio ; Porto Neto, Laércio R. ; Raadsma, Herman W. ; Roberts, Cyril ; San Cristobal, Magali ; Sechi, Tiziana ; Scheet, Paul A. ; Shariflou, Mohammad Reza ; Silva, Pradeepa ; Simianer, Henner ; Slate, Jon ; Tapio, Miika ; Vattathil, Selina ; Whan V., Vicki A. 
31Ιου-2014Spatial distributions of red blood cells significantly alter local haemodynamicsSherwood, Joseph M. ; Holmes, David ; Kaliviotis, Efstathios ; Balabani, Stavroula 
3213-Σεπ-2013Small-scale intraspecific life history variation in herbivorous spider mites (Tetranychus pacificus) is associated with host plant cultivarScranton, Katherine ; Stavrinides, Menelaos ; Mills, Nicholas J. ; De Valpine, Perry 
3316-Οκτ-2012The Bite of the Honeybee: 2-Heptanone Secreted from Honeybee Mandibles during a Bite Acts as a Local Anaesthetic in Insects and MammalsPapachristoforou, Alexandros ; Kagiava, Alexia ; Papaefthimiou, Chrisovalantis ; Termentzi, Aikaterini ; Fokialakis, Nikolas ; Skaltsounis, Alexios-Leandros ; Watkins, Max ; Arnold, Gerard ; Theophilidis, George 
348-Φεβ-2011Modelling the Delta1/Notch1 pathway: in search of the mediator(s) of neural stem cell differentiationKiparissides, Alexandros ; Koutinas, Michalis ; Moss, Toby ; Newman, John ; Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N. ; Mantalaris, Athanasios A.