Events AIChE Annual Meeting

Conference title
AIChE Annual Meeting

Events Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Dec-2010Mapping of atomistic simulation data for the dynamics of entangled polymers onto the tube model: Calculation of the segmental survival probability function for mono- and bi- disperse melts and comparison with modern tube modelsBaig, Chunggi ; Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Tsolou, Georgia ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. 
2Nov-2008Revealing microbial strain dynamics case study in an oil-absorber bioscrubber systemBaptista, Inês I.R. ; Koutinas, Michalis ; Mantalaris, Athanasios A. ; Livingston, Andrew G 
3Nov-2006Microbial dynamics and bioreactor stability in an oil-absorber-bioscrubber system exposed to an alternating sequence of 1,2-dichloroethane and fluorobenzeneKoutinas, Michalis ; Baptista, Inês I.R. ; Meniconi, Andrea ; Peeva, Ludmila G. ; Castro, Paula M. L. ; Livingston, Andrew G