Events International Conference on Management of Data

Conference title
International Conference on Management of Data

Events Publications

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jun-2021Attaining Workload Scalability and Strong Consistency for Replicated Databases with HihooiGeorgiou, Michael A. ; Panayiotou, Michael ; Odysseos, Lambros ; Paphitis, Aristodemos ; Sirivianos, Michael ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
2May-2017OctopuSFS: A distributed file system with tiered storage managementKakoulli, Elena ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
311-Jul-2011Query optimization techniques for partitioned tablesHerodotou, Herodotos ; Babu, Shivnath; Borisov, Nedyalko