| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Jul-2013 | Alternative bankruptcy prediction models using option-pricing theory | Charitou, Andreas ; Dionysiou, Dionysia ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Trigeorgis, Lenos |
| 1-Jun-2019 | Analysts to the rescue? | Charitou, Andreas ; Karamanou, Irene ; Lambertides, Neophytos |
| 2014 | Anemia, gender and heart failure | Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Kalogirou, Fotini ; Lakatamitou, Ioanna ; Barberis, Vassilis I. I. ; Paikousis, Lefkios ; Charitou, Andreas ; Middleton, Nicos |
| Jan-2008 | Bankruptcy prediction and structural credit risk models | Charitou, Andreas ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Trigeorgis, Lenos |
| Mar-2007 | Boards, ownership structure, and involuntary delisting from the New York Stock Exchange | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Vafeas, Nikos |
| Jan-2009 | Cross-listing and operating performance: evidence from exchange-listed American depositary receipts | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos |
| 10-May-2007 | Cross-listing, bonding hypothesis and corporate governance | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Panayides, Stelios |
| 2011 | Dividend increases and initiations and default risk in equity returns | Charitou, Andreas ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Theodoulou, Giorgos |
| 29-Apr-2007 | Earnings behaviour of financially distressed firms: the role of institutional ownership | Trigeorgis, Lenos ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Charitou, Andreas G. |
| 28-Sep-2015 | Effectiveness of an educational program in cardiopulmonary resuscitation concerning knowledge of nurses in Cyprus | Gregoriou, P. ; Theodorou, Mamas ; Bilali, Angeliki ; Rousou, Elena ; Charitou, Andreas ; Galanis, Petros |
| Mar-2011 | Globalization, health and health policy | Charalambous, Andreas ; Socratous, Socrates ; Charitou, Andreas |
| Apr-2011 | Losses, dividend reductions, and market reaction associated with past earnings and dividends patterns | Theodoulou, Giorgos ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Charitou, Andreas |
| Dec-2007 | Managerial discretion in distressed firms | Lambertides, Neophytos ; Charitou, Andreas G. |
| 30-Mar-2012 | The Relation Between Changes in the Information Content of Earnings and Expected Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence for Japan. | Charitou, Andreas ; Constantinidis, Eleni ; Louca, Christodoulos |
| 2015 | RN4CAST-CYPRUS: Αποτελέσματα πιλοτικής μελέτης | Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Andreou, Christos ; Προδρόμου, Μαρία ; Efstathiou, George ; Χαρίτου, Ανδρέας ; Κωνσταντίνου, Δέσπω ; Dimitriadou, Maria ; Αθηνή, Ευδοκία ; Βρυωνίδης, Σταύρος ; Merkouris, Anastasios |
| Jul-2017 | Why Do Canadian Firms Cross-list? The Flip Side of the Issue | Charitou, Andreas ; Louca, Christodoulos |
| 2011 | Παγκοσμιοποίηση, υγεία και πολιτική υγείας | Σωκράτους, Σωκράτης ; Χαραλάμπους, Ανδρέας ; Χαρίτου, Ανδρέας |
| 2014 | Σχεδιασμός και μεθοδολογία εφαρμογής μελέτης πρόβλεψης νοσηλευτικών αναγκών RN4CAST στην Κύπρο: ερευνητικό πρωτόκολλο | Προδρόμου, Μαρία ; Efstathiou, George ; Andreou, Christos ; Αθηνή, Ευδοκία ; Χαρίτου, Ανδρέας ; Vryonides, Stavros ; Κωνσταντίνου, Δέσπω ; Dimitriadou, Maria ; Μερκούρης, Αναστάσιος ; Papastavrou, Evridiki |