Browsing by Authors Tantele, Elia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2012Ambient Vibration Testing of Two Masonry Monuments in CyprusTantele, Elia ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Votsis, Renos ; Kyriakides, Nicholas 
1-Jan-2018Applications of thermal imaging camera for assessing structural integrityTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Kyriakides, Christopher 
1-Jan-2016Classification of corrosion risk zones using GISGeorgiou, Nikolas ; Anastasiou, Constantina ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Danezis, Chris 
2020Development of waste management planning for the construction sector considering cycle economyEleftheriou, Eleftherios ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Charilaou, Eleni 
10-Feb-2017Dynamic assessment of a FRP suspension footbridge through field testing and finite element modellingVotsis, Renos ; Stratford, Tim J. ; Chryssanthopoulos, Marios K. ; Tantele, Elia 
1-Jan-2015Effect of damage on the dynamic characteristics of St. Nicholas cathedral in CyprusVotsis, Renos ; Kyriakides, Nicholas ; Tantele, Elia ; Chrysostomou, Christis 
1-Jan-2014Effect of environmental deterioration on buildings: A condition assessment case studyChristou, Georgios ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos 
2005Effectiveness of preventative maintenance for reinforced concrete bridges - A stochastic approachTantele, Elia ; Onoufriou, Toula ; Mulheron, Mike J. 
15-Feb-2018Evaluation of seismic demand for substandard reinforced concrete structuresKyriakides, Nicholas ; Ahmad, Sohaib ; Pilakoutas, Kypros ; Neocleous, Kyriacos ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos 
Aug-2020Evaluation of the health and safety inspections state in the construction industry of CyprusTantele, Elia A ; Savva, Georgia C. ; Votsis, Renos 
1-Jan-2014Field dynamic testing on a Cyprus concrete highway bridge using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)Votsis, Renos ; Kyriakides, Nicholas ; Tantele, Elia ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Onoufriou, Toula 
Mar-2018Framework for an integrated system for enhancing the energy efficiency and structural performance of buildingsVotsis, Renos ; Tantele, Elia ; Kyriakides, Nicholas ; Christofe, Andreas ; Chrysostomou Christis 
Mar-2018Framework for an integrated system for enhancing the energy efficiency and structural performance of buildingsVotsis, Renos ; Tantele, Elia ; Kyriakides, Nicholas ; Christofe, Andreas ; Chrysostomou, Christis 
Nov-2015Framework for the derivation of analytical fragility curves and life cycle cost analysis for non-seismically designed buildingsKyriakides, Nicholas ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos 
27-Oct-2015Integration of probabilistic effectiveness with a two-stage genetic algorithm methodology to develop optimum maintenance strategies for bridgesTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Onoufriou, Toula 
1-Jan-2015Integration of probabilistic effectiveness with a two-stage genetic algorithm methodology to develop optimum maintenance strategies for bridgesTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Onoufriou, Toula 
27-Oct-2015Integration of Probabilistic Effectiveness with a Two-stage Genetic Algorithm Methodology to Develop Optimum Maintenance Strategies for BridgesTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Onoufriou, Toula 
1-Jan-2017Investigation on the thermographic detection of corrosion in RC structuresTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Kyriakides, Christopher ; Georgiou, Panagiota G. ; Ioannou, Fotia G. 
2016Life-cycle-cost-analysis for the seismic retrofitting and sustainability of existing building-stocksKyriakides, Nicholas ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Charalambous, George 
1-Oct-2016Mapping the variability of carbonation progress using GIS techniques and field data: a case study of the Limassol districtTantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos ; Danezis, Chris ; Anastasiou, Constantina ; Georgiou, Nikolas