Browsing by Authors Christofi, Michael

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 94  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Academic propaganda in international education: Detection, remedy and conceptualisationShams, S. M. Riad ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Trichina, Eleni 
2012Action Research Case StudyLeonidou, Erasmia ; Christofi, Michael 
2021Advancing Research Methodologies in Management ScholarshipChristofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Hughes, Mathew ; Plakoyiannaki, Emmanuella 
Jan-2024Advancing Research Methodologies in Management: Revisiting Debates, Setting New Grounds for PluralismChristofi, Michael ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Hughes, Mathew ; Plakoyiannaki, Emmanuella 
Apr-2021Agility and flexibility in international business research: A comprehensive review and future research directionsChristofi, Michael ; Pereira, Vijay ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Tarba, Shlomo ; Thrassou, Alkis 
1-Sep-2022Ambidexterity's influence on export strategy development—The case of the Indian pharmaceutical industryKolte, Ashutosh ; Festa, Giuseppe ; Rossi, Matteo ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael 
1-Jan-2019Analysing three decades of emerging market research: Future research directionsPereira, Vijay ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Temouri, Yama 
1-Jan-2022Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic reviewVrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Pereira, Vijay ; Tarba, Shlomo ; Makrides, Anna ; Trichina, Eleni 
3-Dec-2020An assessment of the literature on cause-related marketing: implications for international competitiveness and marketing researchVrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael ; Katsikeas, Constantine S. 
1-Oct-2019Augmented reality in the tourism industry: A multi-stakeholder analysis of museumsSerravalle, Francesca ; Ferraris, Alberto ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Christofi, Michael 
Aug-2021The behavioral aspects of innovation in the age of pandemicTarba, Shlomo ; Cooper, Sir Cary L. ; Christofi, Michael ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Siamagka, Nikoletta Theofania 
1-Jan-2023Born global: antecedents and consequences of innovation capabilitiesMalodia, Suresh ; Dhir, Amandeep ; Alshibani, Safiya Mukhtar ; Christofi, Michael 
1-Feb-2024Business model innovation and international performance of emerging market international businessesChristofi, Michael ; Zahoor, Nadia ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Adomako, Samuel 
1-Jan-2013Cause-related marketing and strategic agility: An integrated framework for gaining the competitive advantageChristofi, Michael ; Kaufmann Hans, Ruediger ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Leonidou, Erasmia 
2012Cause-Related Marketing and Strategic Agility: An Integrated Framework for Thriving in a Dynamic EnvironmentChristofi, Michael ; Leonidou, Erasmia 
28-Aug-2020Cause-related marketing in international business: what works and what does not?Vrontis, Demetris ; Thrassou, Alkis ; Christofi, Michael ; Shams, S. M. Riad ; Czinkota, Michael R. 
Jun-2012Cause-Related Marketing success and Product Innovation: An Integrated Conceptual Framework and Research PropositionsChristofi, Michael ; Vrontis, Demetris ; Leonidou, Erasmia 
1-Jan-2015Cause-related marketing, product innovation and extraordinary sustainable leadership: The root towards sustainabilityChristofi, Michael ; Leonidou, Erasmia ; Vrontis, Demetris 
1-Jan-2020Contemporary Issues in Management and Marketing ResearchVrontis, Demetris ; Christofi, Michael 
1-Jan-2022Contextualizing small business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from small business owner-managersHadjielias, Elias ; Christofi, Michael ; Tarba, Shlomo