Browsing by Authors Panopoulos, Anastasios

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020All we have is words: applying rhetoric to examine how social media marketing activities strengthen the connection between the brand and the selfPanigyrakis, George G. ; Panopoulos, Anastasios ; Koronaki, Eirini 
Jun-2024Chatbots and purchase intention: The power of emojis and brand coolnessVoutsa, Maria C. ; Mouratidis, Angelos ; Hatzithomas, Leonidas ; Boutsouki, Christina ; Panopoulos, Anastasios 
12-Jan-2010The influence of the Olympic Games on Beijing consumers' perceptions of their city tourism developmentKapareliotis, Ilias ; Panopoulos, Anastasios ; Panigyrakis, George G. 
17-Aug-2020Looking for luxury CSR practices that make more sense: The role of corporate identity and consumer attitudePanigyrakis, George G. ; Panopoulos, Anastasios ; Koronaki, Eirini