Browsing by Authors Florides, Georgios A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 181  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2022Adoption of Waste Heat Recovery Technologies: Reviewing the Relevant Barriers and Recommendations on How to Overcome ThemChristodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Panayiotou, Gregoris P. ; Tassou, Savvas A. ; Florides, Georgios A. 
25-Jul-2019Air-conditioning of a typical house in moderate climates with Ground Source Heat Pumps and cost comparison with Air Source Heat PumpsChristodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Florides, Georgios A. 
Apr-2012An Analysis of Heat Flow Through a Borehole Heat Exchanger Validated ModelFlorides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Aug-2003Analysis of the Typical Meteorological Year of Cyprus and Typical House LoadFlorides, Georgios A. ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. ; Theophilou, Kyriacos ; Evangelou, Evangelos G. 
Oct-2005Annual ground temperature measurements at various depthsFlorides, Georgios A. ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
Jun-2007Application of the European Directive for the Energy Performance of Βuldings in CyprusKalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis 
2021Applying CΤ-scanning for the Identification of a Skull of an Unknown Archaeological Find in PeruDe La Cruz Ríos López, José ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
2015Artificial neural networks for the generation of a conductivity map of the groundKalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Joseph-Stylianou, Josephina 
Dec-2012Artificial Neural Networks for the Generation of Geothermal Maps of Ground Temperature at Various Depths by Considering Land ConfigurationKalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis ; Panayides, Ioannis ; Joseph-Stylianou, Josephina ; Zomeni, Zomenia 
Sep-2018Assessment and comparison of soil thermal characteristics by laboratory measurementsRamos, Rute ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Vieira, Ana ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2020Assessment of energy potential for heat recovery in the EU industryPanayiotou, Gregoris ; Agathokleous, Rafaela ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Nov-2012An assessment of the biomass potential of Cyprus for energy productionFlorides, Georgios A. ; Kythreotou, Nicoletta ; Tassou, Savvas A. 
Sep-2018Borehole Ground Heat Exchangers and The Flow of Underground WaterIosif-Stylianou, Iosifina ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Aresti, Lazaros ; Tassou, Savvas A. ; Florides, Georgios A. 
2011Borehole heat exchanger modeling validationFlorides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis ; Christodoulides, Paul 
2012Borehole heat exchanger: modeling validation and system parameters evaluationFlorides, Georgios A. ; Pouloupatis, Panayiotis ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Messaritis, Vassilios 
3-Dec-2017Characterisation of ground thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour for shallow geothermal energy applicationsVieira, Ana ; Alberdi-Pagola, Maria ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Javed, Saqib ; Loveridge, Fleur ; Nguyen, Frederic ; Cecinato, Francesco ; Maranha, João ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Prodan, Iulia ; Van Lysebetten, Gust ; Ramalho, Elsa ; Salciarini, Diana ; Georgiev, Aleksandar ; Rosin-Paumier, Sandrine ; Popov, Rumen ; Lenart, Stanislav ; Poulsen, Søren Erbs ; Radioti, Georgia 
Nov-2010The characteristics and the energy behaviour of the residential building stock of Cyprus in view of Directive 2002/91/ECPanayiotou, Gregoris ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Maxoulis, Christos N. ; Papadopoulos, Agis M. ; Neophytou, Marina K A ; Fokaides, Paris A. A. ; Georgiou, Gregoria ; Symeou, A. ; Georgakis, G. 
2009Classification of buildings in Cyprus based on their energy performanceKalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Papadopoulos, Agis ; Neophytou, Marina ; Fokaides, Paris A. ; Georgiou, Gregoria ; Elia, A. ; Maxoulis, Christos N. ; Symeou, A. ; Georgakis, G. 
May-2009Classification of residential buildings in Cyprus based on their energy performanceMaxoulis, Christos N. ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. ; Florides, Georgios A. ; Panayiotou, Gregoris ; Papadopoulos, Agis ; Neophitou, Marina ; Fokaides, Paris A. ; Georgiou, Georgia ; Symeou, A. ; Georgakis, G. 
2014Climatic warming and CO2 concentrationFlorides, Georgios A. ; Lazari, Lazaros ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Messaritis, Vassilios