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Title: How quality management can help in process control : case studies from Cyprus
Authors: Angeli, Ioannis 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Αγγελή, Ιωάννης
Major Field of Science: Engineering and Technology
Field Category: Electrical Engineering,Electronic Engineering,Information Engineering
Keywords: Quality control;Engineering--Research;Process control;Computer science
Issue Date: 2011
Source: International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2011, Volume 2, Pages 1188-1194
Abstract: In this big, competitive world that we live in, almost no company can survive without adopting a scientific approach and specific methodologies and Quality tools. A lot has been written around the world about the Quality Improvement tools and process control, their kinds, their purpose of use, the way and place that they are applied, advantages, application difficulties, case studies and other. The success of any application, of any quality tool or application of design tool lies in certain facts that vary from each industry and place, as well as the means that are allocated. However, there are always similarities in parameters, difficulties and methodologies, such as the human factor, education and others. These common reference points aim to present the current paper based on case studies and applications within Cyprus industries and organisations during the last twenty years from the author. The paper will report which Quality/ process Improvement Tools have been applied, where, witch methodology have been applied, the degree of success and ways for better implementation. The paper will concentrate on those tools which were used in the process control in a variety of organizations. The main purpose of this paper is not to present scientific research work or something new but to present case studies from the island of Cyprus (1.5 million population) from small to medium size organizations (SMES). Companies of this size can benefit from those cases from the practitioners point of view. It is important to report common findings, problems and suggestions that are based on long-term experience from applications of Quality Tools in many organisations. It will also demonstrate the means that have been used, as well as the choices that are available and finally what exists in the market.
ISBN: 978-988192512-1
Type: Book Chapter
Appears in Collections:Κεφάλαια βιβλίων/Book chapters

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