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Title: A Case Study of Interactive Tabletops in Education: Attitudes, Issues of Orientation and Asymmetric Collaboration
Authors: Christofi, Maria 
Ioannou, Andri 
Vasiliou, Christina 
metadata.dc.contributor.other: Χριστοφή, Μαρία
Ιωάννου, Άντρη
Βασιλείου, Χριστίνα
Major Field of Science: Humanities
Field Category: Arts
Keywords: Interactive Tabletops;Collaborative Learning;Interactions;Attitudes;Orientation;Asymmetric Collaboration
Issue Date: 2013
Source: Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8095, 2013, pp 466-471
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the exploration of an educational tabletop application designed to facilitate collaboration amongst young learners while they learn about the “Plants of Cyprus”. The application was used by 28 third-graders during a scheduled visit at the Cyprus Center of Environmental Research and Education. We report empirical findings concerning the participants’ interactions around the table as well as their attitudes regarding the activity. Findings demonstrated that the students collaborated intensively in completing the task and they were overwhelmingly positive about the experience. The paper discusses issues of orientation of the on-display learning artifacts, which encouraged learners to move at a new location around the table to “correct” the orientation. Also, the study raises concerns regarding asymmetrical forms of collaboration, where peers dominated the activity despite the equal access on the tabletop surface.
ISBN: 978-3-642-40813-7
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40814-4_40
Rights: © Springer, Part of Springer Science+Business Media
Type: Book Chapter
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Appears in Collections:Κεφάλαια βιβλίων/Book chapters

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