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Title: Microbes and the environment
Authors: Aspri, Maria 
Tsaltas, Dimitrios 
Major Field of Science: Agricultural Sciences
Field Category: Environmental Biotechnology
Keywords: Ecology;Fermentation;Food;House microbiota;High-thoughput sequencing;Lactic acid bacteria
Issue Date: 2020
Source: The Interaction of Food Industry and Environment, 2020, pp. 119-154
Start page: 119
End page: 154
Abstract: The production of traditional fermented meat or dairy products is a complex biological phenomenon affected by the action of indigenous microbes. These traditional manufacturing practices lead to a great variability in the quality and flavor of the products. Understanding the metabolic activities, diversity and behavior of microorganisms during food fermentations is a very interesting and challenging task. This will help the producers to reach high quality of their products in terms of safety, shelf life and organoleptic characteristics, as the most promising strains for starter cultures are those which are isolated from the indigenous microbiota of traditional products. The current chapter describes the microbial diversity of naturally fermented dairy and meat products in relation to processing environment and equipment as well as the impact on quality characteristics including authentication of origin and traditional making practices.
ISBN: 978-0-12-816449-5
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-816449-5.00004-7
Rights: © Elsevier
Type: Book Chapter
Affiliation : Cyprus University of Technology 
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed
Appears in Collections:Κεφάλαια βιβλίων/Book chapters

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