Association EU/EC Expert Group on Digital Heritage and Europeana
Description of the Association
The new Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana Expert Group will provide a forum for cooperation between Member States' bodies and the European Commission in the area of digitisation, online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation. It will also give guidance on Europeana’s annual work programmes under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana continues the work of the Member States' Expert Group on Digitisation and Digital Preservation, and will review and discuss policies for digital cultural heritage, notably by assisting the European Commission in monitoring progress and assessing the impact of the implementation of the European Commission Recommendation and related Council Conclusions.
Moreover, the Group will provide high quality advice on specific policy issues where such advice is important for the development of Union policies or legislation.
A sub-group on Europeana of the DCHE Expert Group has been established to provide the DCHE with advice on certain aspects of the Europeana Digital Service Infrastructure, such as Europeana’s general objectives, governance, strategic priorities, evolution and sustainability. The Sub-group on Europeana has 12 members: 8 members appointed following an open call for applications, and 4 members appointed by nominations of Member States.
Name of Society/Association
EU/EC Expert Group on Digital Heritage and Europeana