Results 1-20 of 40 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
118-Dec-2024Studies for a place: The House of Leda (two-channel video, installation)Pericleous, Vicky 
216-Dec-2024Ο χώρος μου του άλλουPericleous, Vicky 
316-Dec-2024Ο χώρος μου του άλλουPericleous, Vicky 
421-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECT - WorkshopPericleous, Vicky ; Maragaki, Eva ; Nottas, Marios ; Sysalova, Julia ; Savva, Andreas 
520-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECTPericleous, Vicky ; Maragaki, Eva ; Nottas, Marios ; Sysalova, Julia 
620-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE PROJECT: SymposiumPericleous, Vicky 
720-Nov-2024FRONTPAGE ExhibitionPericleous, Vicky ; Nottas, Marios ; Maragaki, Eva ; Sysalova, Julia ; Papadopoulou, Gioula ; Savva, Andreas 
820-Nov-2024Από τη Σειρά: Εξωτισμοί και Άλλες Πράξεις, 2006- σήμερα: Το Σκίρτημα, 2011, Βίκυ Περικλέους, τύπωμα στην εφημερίδα Νέος Κυπριακός Φύλαξ, Τετάρτη 26 Μαρτίου 1941, χρωματιστό μολύβι, μέγεθος έργου ακολουθεί τις διαστάσεις της εφημερίδας From the Series: Exoticisms and Other Acts, 2006 – today: The Excitement, 2011, Vicky Pericleous, print on Neos Kypriakos Filax Newspaper, Wednesday 26 March 1941, coloured pencils size: varies according to the size of the newspaperPericleous, Vicky 
915-Nov-2024«10cc» (10 Curating Caring)Pericleous, Vicky 
103-Jul-2024From the Series Exercises of Elasticity, 2017-now, Proposition VII: Warriors of the Great God/The SunPericleous, Vicky 
111-Jun-2024Casts of an Island 2024Pericleous, Vicky 
1229-May-2024Land[e]scapes (part II), International Group Exhibition, curated by Maria StathiPericleous, Vicky 
138-Jan-2024Cyprus: Return to Petrofani with Ali Cherri & Vicky PericleousAmaya-Akkermans, Arie ; Pericleous, Vicky 
1422-Nov-2023Αναπτύσσοντας Κοινό για τη Σύγχρονη Τέχνη σε Πλαίσια ΠαγκοσμιοτοπικοποίησηςPericleous, Vicky ; Vamvouklis, Nicolas 
156-Oct-2023Artist Talk/Lecture Presentation Settlements: Mountains Upside DownPericleous, Vicky ; Neokleous, Dimitris ; Karambambas, Stephanos ; Kallis, Kyriakos 
16Oct-2023The Unsettling Event of an Enigma, *to be forever or never to have beenPericleous, Vicky ; Zografos, Vasilis 
17Oct-2023Land[e]scapesPericleous, Vicky 
18Oct-2023The Unsettling Event of an Enigma, *to be forever or never to have been, Lola Nicolaou GalleryPericleous, Vicky ; Zografos, Vasilis 
19Sep-2023Art Athina 2023, Group Show invited and curated by Gallery LTECGallery/MAMA CONTEMPORARY,Pericleous, Vicky ; Hadjigeorgiou, Yioula ; Savva, Andreas ; Rapti, Jasmine ; Zerdevas, Takis ; Pirini, Zoi 
20Sep-2023Artist visual response publication in the context of the book publication ΒΗΤΑ, a curatorial research project/book publicationPericleous, Vicky ; Panayides, Omiros ; Philippou, Nicos