Issue Date Title Author(s) Journal 21 20-Feb-2019 Assessment of the Tumbling-Snake Model against Linear and Nonlinear Rheological Data of Bidisperse Polymer Blends Stephanou, Pavlos ; Kröger, Martin Polymers
22 1-Jan-2019 Assessment of the Tumbling-Snake Model against linear and nonlinear rheological data of bidisperse polymer blends Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Kröger, Martin Polymers
23 28-Dec-2018 A nonequilibrium thermodynamics perspective of thixotropy Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Georgiou, Georgios G. Journal of Chemical Physics
24 1-Jun-2018 The rheology of drilling fluids from a non-equilibrium thermodynamics perspective Stephanou, Pavlos S. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
25 14-May-2018 From intermediate anisotropic to isotropic friction at large strain rates to account for viscosity thickening in polymer solutions Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Kröger, Martin Journal of Chemical Physics
26 16-Mar-2018 Tumbling-snake model for polymeric liquids subjected to biaxial elongational flows with a focus on planar elongation Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Kröger, Martin Polymers
27 1-Mar-2018 A constitutive rheological model for agglomerating blood derived from nonequilibrium thermodynamics Tsimouri, Ioanna ; Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Physics of Fluids
28 7-Nov-2017 Non-constant link tension coefficient in the tumbling-snake model subjected to simple shear Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Kröger, Martin Journal of Chemical Physics
29 28-Apr-2017 Communication: Appearance of undershoots in start-up shear: Experimental findings captured by tumbling-snake dynamics Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Schweizer, Thomas ; Kröger, Martin Journal of Chemical Physics
30 10-May-2016 Flow-Induced Orientation and Stretching of Entangled Polymers in the Framework of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Tsimouri, Ioanna Ch ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Macromolecules
31 28-Mar-2016 Solution of the complete Curtiss-Bird model for polymeric liquids subjected to simple shear flow Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Kröger, Martin Journal of Chemical Physics
32 9-Feb-2015 How the flow affects the phase behaviour and microstructure of polymer nanocomposites Stephanou, Pavlos S. Journal of Chemical Physics
33 8-Jul-2014 Continuum model for the phase behavior, microstructure, and rheology of unentangled polymer nanocomposite melts Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. ; Georgiou, Georgios C. Macromolecules
34 7-Jun-2014 Accurate prediction of the linear viscoelastic properties of highly entangled mono and bidisperse polymer melts Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Journal of Chemical Physics
35 Oct-2013 Quantitative predictions of the linear viscoelastic properties of entangled polyethylene and polybutadiene melts via modified versions of modern tube models on the basis of atomistic simulation data Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
36 3-May-2012 Effects of Τube Persistence Length on Dynamics of Mildly Entangled Polymers Qin, Jian ; Milner, Scott T. ; Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Journal of Rheology
37 23-Sep-2011 Toward an improved description of constraint release and contour length fluctuations in tube models for entangled polymer melts guided by atomistic simulations Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Baig, Chunggi ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
38 1-Jun-2011 A mean-field anisotropic diffusion model for unentangled polymeric liquids and semi-dilute solutions: Model development and comparison with experimental and simulation data Kim, J. M. ; Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Edwards, B. J. ; Khomami, B. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
19 21-Jan-2011 Projection of atomistic simulation data for the dynamics of entangled polymers onto the tube theory: Calculation of the segment survival probability function and comparison with modern tube models Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Baig, Chunggi ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Soft Matter
20 28-Dec-2010 Melt structure and dynamics of unentangled polyethylene rings: Rouse theory, atomistic molecular dynamics simulation, and comparison with the linear analogues Tsolou, Georgia ; Stratikis, Nikos ; Baig, Chunggi ; Stephanou, Pavlos S. ; Mavrantzas, Vlasis G. Macromolecules