Results 21-38 of 38 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2113-Apr-2009The exploitation of thin film coatings for fibre sensors for the application of chemical sensingKalli, Kyriacos ; Webb, David J. ; Allsop, Thomas P. ; Neal, Ron M. ; Davies, Edward M. ; Rehman, Saeed Ur ; Maier, Robert R J ; Barton, James S. ; Jones, Julian D C ; Bennion, Ian 
22Apr-2009Comparison between femtosecond laser and fusion-arc inscribed long period gratings in photonic crystal fibreAllsop, Thomas P. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Zhou, Kaiming ; Smith, Graham N. ; Komodromos, Michael ; Sugden, Kate ; Dubov, Mykhaylo V. ; Webb, David J. ; Bennion, Ian 
23Apr-2008Recent progress in polymer optical fibre gratingsZhang, Chi ; Carroll, Karen E. ; Webb, David J. ; Bennion, Ian ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Emiliyanov, Grigoriy ; Bang, Ole ; Kjær, Erik Michael ; Peng, Gangding 
24Apr-2008Temperature sensitivity of Bragg gratings in PMMA and TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fibresWebb, David J. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Zhang, Chi ; Komodromos, Michael ; Argyros, Alexander ; Large, Maryanne C J ; Emiliyanov, Grigoriy ; Bang, Ole ; Kjær, Erik Michael 
25Apr-2008A surface plasmon resonance fibre device for environmental sensingAllsop, Thomas P. ; Neal, Ron M. ; Brown, Patrick R. ; Saied, Sayah O. ; Rehman, Saeed Ur ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Webb, David J. ; Sullivan, John L. ; Mapps, Desmond J. ; Bennion, Ian 
26Apr-2008The spectral characteristics of femtosecond laser inscribed long period grating bend sensors written into a photonic crystal fibreAllsop, Thomas P. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Zhou, Kaiming ; Smith, Graham N. ; Webb, David J. ; Mezentsev, Vladimir K. ; Bennion, Ian 
27Apr-2008Characterisation of femtosecond laser inscribed long period gratings in photonic crystal fibreAllsop, Thomas P. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Zhou, Kaiming ; Smith, Graham N. ; Lai, Yicheng ; Dubov, Michael ; Sugden, Kate ; Webb, David J. ; Bennion, Ian ; Komodromos, Michael 
28Nov-2007Recent developments of Bragg gratings in PMMA and TOPAS polymer optical fibersWebb, David J. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Carroll, Karen E. ; Zhang, Chi ; Komodromos, Michael ; Argyros, Alexander ; Large, Maryanne C J ; Emiliyanov, Grigoriy ; Bang, Ole ; Kjaer, Eric 
29Apr-2007Numerical modeling of sensors based on long period gratings in photonic crystal fibresPetrovic, Jovana S. ; Dobb, Helen L. ; Mezentsev, Vladimir K. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Webb, David J. ; Bennion, Ian 
30May-2006Annealing and temperature coefficient study of type ia fibre bragg gratings inscribed under strain and no strain - implications to optical fibre component reliabilityKalli, Kyriacos ; Simpson, George D. ; Webb, David J. 
31Apr-2006A comparison of the spectral properties of high temperature annealed long period gratings inscribed by fs laser, uv and fusion-arcKalli, Kyriacos ; Allsop, Thomas P. ; Webb, David J. 
32Apr-2006Reliability of fibre bragg gratings in polymer optical fibreKalli, Kyriacos ; Carroll, Karen E. ; Webb, David J. ; Komodromos, Michael 
33Apr-2006Grating based devices in polymer optical fibreKalli, Kyriacos ; Dobb, Helen L. ; Webb, David J. ; Carroll, Karen E. ; Komodromos, Michael ; Themistos, Christos ; Peng, Gangding ; Argyros, Alexander ; Large, Maryanne C J ; Van Eijkelenborg, Martijn A. ; Fang, Qi ; Boyd, Ian W. 
34Sep-2004Temperature insensitive long-period grating sensors in photonic crystal fibreKalli, Kyriacos ; Dobb, Helen L. ; Webb, David J. 
35Jun-2004Sensing applications of long-period gratings in various fibre typesKalli, Kyriacos ; Webb, David J. ; Dobb, Helen L. ; Allsop, Thomas P. ; Mezentsev, Vladimir K. ; Gillooly, Andy Michael ; Neal, Ron M. ; Bennion, Ian 
36Aug-1996Recent developments in optical fiber sensing using fiber bragg gratingsKalli, Kyriacos ; Webb, David J. ; Jackson, David A. 
37Jun-1995Possible approach for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain via first- and second-order diffraction from bragg grating sensorsKalli, Kyriacos ; Jackson, David A. ; Webb, David J. 
38Jun-1995Simultaneous interrogation of interferometric and bragg grating sensorsKalli, Kyriacos ; Johnson, David A. ; Webb, David J.