Results 21-23 of 23 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
217-May-2015Drivers and Outcomes of Green Tourist Attitudes and Behavior: Sociodemographic Moderating EffectsLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Coudounaris, Dafnis N. ; Kvasova, Olga ; Christodoulides, Paul Psychology and Marketing 
22Sep-2013Antecedents and Consequences of an Eco-Friendly Export Marketing Strategy: The Moderating Role of Foreign Public Concern and Competitive IntensityLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Katsikeas, Constantine S. ; Fotiadis, Thomas A. ; Christodoulides, Paul Journal of International Marketing 
232007The international marketing environment: textbook content versus educators' viewsLeonidou, Leonidas C. ; Kaminarides, John S. ; Panayides, Photis Journal of Teaching in International Business