Issue Date Title Author(s) 81 2004 A new approach for the production of a hydrogen-rich gas from biomas - an absorption enhanced reforming process (AER-GAS) Polychronopoulou, Kyriaki ; Efstathiou, Angelos M. ; Costa, Costas
82 2004 Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Phenol over Novel Supported-Rh and Fe Catalysts Polychronopoulou, Kyriaki ; Theodorou, Zena ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, A. M.
83 25-Oct-2003 Mathematical modeling of the oxygen storage capacity phenomenon studied by CO pulse transient experiments over Pd/CeO2 catalyst Costa, Costas ; Christou, Stavroula Y. ; Georgiou, Georgios C. ; Efstathiou, A. M.
84 Oct-2003 Mathematical Modeling of the Oxygen Storage Capacity Phenomenon on Pd/CeO2 Studied by Step Concentration Switches Christou, Stavroula Y. ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
85 Sep-2003 A Novel Active, Selective and Stable Pt/Mg-Ce-O Catalyst for the NO/H2/O2 (Lean-deNOx) Reaction: Catalytic and Mechanistic Studies Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
86 Jun-2003 A Highly Active, Selective and Stable Pt/Mg-Ce-O Catalyst for the NO/H2/O2 (Lean de-NOx) Reaction Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
87 2003 A new approach for the production of a hydrogen-rich gas from biomas - an absorption enhanced reforming process (AER-GAS) Polychronopoulou, Kyriaki ; Theodorou, Zena ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
88 Oct-2002 Mechanistic Studies of the NO/H2/O2 Lean-deNOx Reaction over a Selective and Stable Supported-Pt Catalyst Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
89 25-Jun-2002 An investigation of the NO/H2/O2 (Lean De-NOx) reaction on a highly active and selective Pt/La0.7Sr0.2Ce0.1FeO3 catalyst at low temperatures Andronikou, Ch. ; Costa, Costas ; Savva, Petros G.
90 Nov-2001 Study of the NO/H2/O2 (lean-deNOx) Reaction on supported Pt catalysts, with practical applications Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
91 Sep-2001 An investigation of the NO+H2+O2 (lean-deNOx) Reaction on a Highly Selective Pt/La0.5Ce0.5MnO3 Catalyst at Low Temperatures Costa, Costas ; Belessi, Vassiliki ; Stathopoulos, Vassilis N. ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
92 Sep-2001 The CH4/NO/O2 “Lean-deNOx” Reaction on Mesoporous Mn-Based Mixed Oxides Stathopoulos, Vassilis ; Costa, Costas ; Pomonis, Phillippos J. ; Efstathiou, A. M.
93 Mar-2001 A Highly Selective Pt/support Catalyst for the NO/H2/O2 (lean-deNOx) Reaction Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
94 25-Jan-2001 An investigation of the NO/H2/O2 (Lean-deNOx) reaction on a highly active and selective Pt/La0.5Ce0.5MnO3 catalyst Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, A. M. ; Stathopoulos, V. N. ; Belessi, Vassiliki
95 31-Dec-2000 Development of technologies using the activity of sulphate- and metal l-reducing bacteria (smrb) to remove heavy metals and metalloids from ground waters and soils Polychronopoulou, Kyriaki ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
96 Nov-2000 The selective catalytic reduction of NO by CH4 on La2O3-CaO mixed oxides: catalytic, kinetic and photoluminescence studies Anastasiadou, T. ; Loukatzikou, Loukia A. ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, Angelos M.
97 18-Sep-2000 Synergistic effects of crystal phases and mixed valences in La-Sr-Ce-Fe-O mixed oxidic/perovskitic solids on their catalytic activity for the NO+CO reaction Belessi, Vassiliki ; Bakas, Thomas V. ; Costa, Costas ; Efstathiou, A. M. ; Pomonis, Phillippos J.
98 10-Sep-2000 The Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane over La2O3–CaO Systems: Synergistic Effects and Surface Reactivity Studies of NO, CH4, O2, and CO2 by Transient Techniques Costa, Costas ; Anastasiadou, T. ; Efstathiou, A. M.
99 Jul-2000 Catalytic activity of high surface area mesoporous Mn-based mixed oxides for the deep oxidation of CH4 and lean-NOx reduction Stathopoulos, Vassilis ; Belessi, Vassiliki ; Costa, Costas ; Neophytides, Stylianos G. ; Falaras, Polycarpos ; Efstathiou, Angelos M. ; Pomonis, Phillippos J.
100 25-Jun-2000 Catalytic behavior of La–Sr–Ce–Fe–O mixed oxidic/perovskitic systems for the NO+CO and NO+CH4+O2 (lean-NOx) reactions Belessi, Vassiliki ; Costa, Costas ; Bakas, Thomas V. ; Anastasiadou, T. ; Pomonis, Phillippos J. ; Efstathiou, A. M.