Issue Date Title Author(s) 21 15-Feb-2014 Evidence of arsenic release promoted by disinfection by-products within drinking-water distribution systems Andra, Syam S. ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Costa, Costas ; Charisiadis, Pantelis ; Botsaris, George
2 Feb-2014 Novel catalytic and mechanistic studies on wastewater denitrification with hydrogen Theologidis, Christodoulos ; Olympiou, Georgios ; Savva, Petros G. ; Pantelidou, Nantia ; Constantinou, Barbara K. ; Chatziiona, Vasiliki ; Valanidou, Lilian ; Piskopianou, Charoula ; Costa, Costas
3 2014 Μελέτη εκτίμησης περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων από την ανέγερση και λειτουργία υποστηρικτικών υπηρεσιών στην διαδικασία εντοπισμού και ανόρυξης φυσικού αερίου και πετρελαίου στον Δήμο Αραδίππου/Καλού Χωριού Theologides, Christodoulos P. ; Andreou, Costas ; Savva, Petros G. ; Charalambides, Alexandros G. ; Costa, Costas
4 Jun-2013 Catalytic removal of pharmaceutical compounds using O2/H2 Mixtures Pantelidou, Nantia ; Theologidis, Christodoulos ; Olympiou, Georgios ; Savva, Petros G. ; Costa, Costas
5 Jun-2013 Computer simulation of the biological processes in a submerged MBR pilot treating high COD industrial wastewater Babatsouli, Panagiota ; Palogos, Ioannis ; Michalodimitraki, Eleni ; Costa, Costas ; Kalogerakis, Nicolas E.
6 Sep-2012 A Novel Active, Selective and Stable Catalyst for the Reduction of NO to N2 with Ethanol under Lean De-NOx Conditions Olympiou, Georgios ; Costa, Costas
7 Mar-2012 Catalytic elimination of the ecotoxicity of pharmaceutical compounds using O2/H2 mixtures Piskopianou, Charoula ; Pantelidou, Nantia ; Theologides, Christodoulos P. ; Olympiou, Georgios ; Savva, Petros G. ; Costa, Costas
8 14-Feb-2012 Catalyst containing platinum and palladium for the selective reduction of NOx with hydrogen (H2-SCR)
9 2012 Catalytic properties of zeolites Costa, Costas ; Savva, Petros G. ; Zorpas, Antonis A.
10 2012 Sustainable use of sludge and treated wastewater in the agricultural field Papadopoulos, Ioannis ; Costa, Costas ; Savva, Petros G.
11 2012 A Novel Catalyst Ag/MgO-CeO2-Al2O3 for the Low-temperature Ethanol- SCR of NO Under Lean de-NOx Conditions Valanidou, Lilian ; Theologides, Christodoulos P. ; Olympiou, Georgios ; Savva, Petros G. ; Costa, Costas
12 Sep-2011 A Complete Techno-Economical Assessment for the Conversion of the Kotsiatis Landfill in Cyprus into a Waste to Energy Plant Savva, Petros G. ; Costa, Costas ; Charalambides, Alexandros G.
13 31-Aug-2011 A novel highly selective and stable Ag/MgO-CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst for the low-temperature ethanol-SCR of NO Valanidou, Lilian ; Theologides, Christodoulos P. ; Zorpas, Antonis A. ; Savva, Petros G. ; Costa, Costas
14 Apr-2011 Hydrogen Lean-DeNOx as an Alternative to the Ammonia and Hydrocarbon Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Costa, Costas ; Savva, Petros G.
15 1-Feb-2011 Catalytic removal of nitrates from waters in a continuous flow process: The remarkable effect of liquid flow rate and gas feed composition Costa, Costas ; Savva, Petros G. ; Theologidis, Christodoulos
16 23-Dec-2010 Catalyst for the reduction of NO to N2 with ethanol or ethanol and hydrogen under lean DENOx conditions
17 Oct-2010 Combination of fenton oxidation and composting for the treatment of the olive solid residue and the olive mile wastewater from the olive oil industry in Cyprus Zorpas, Antonis A. ; Costa, Costas
18 Jun-2010 Intergraded Management System for the Complete Treatment of the Olive Solid Residue and the Olive Mile Wastewater from the Olive Oil Industry in Cyprus Zorpas, Antonis A. ; Costa, Costas
19 12-Mar-2010 Catalytic removal of nitrates from waters Constantinou, Costas L. ; Efstathiou, Angelos M. ; Costa, Costas
20 25-Nov-2009 Comparative study of La–Sr–Fe–O perovskite-type oxides prepared by ceramic and surfactant methods over the CH4 and H2 lean-deNOx Stathopoulos, Vassilis N. ; Neophytides, Stylianos G. ; Costa, Costas