Issue Date Title Author(s) 61 Mar-2009 Outbreak of infections due to kpc-2-producing klebsiella pneumoniae in a hospital in Crete (Greece) Maltezou, Helena C. ; Giakkoupi, Panagiota ; Maragos, Antonios ; Bolikas, M. ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Papahatzaki, H. ; Vrouhos, G. ; Liakou, Vassiliki ; Vatopoulos, Alkiviadis C.
62 2009 Τα θέλω και τα μπορώ της ποιότητας στις υπηρεσίες φροντίδας υγείας : οργάνωση και διοίκηση υπηρεσιών φροντίδας υγείας Raftopoulos, Vasilios
63 4-Aug-2008 Greek nursing students' immunization coverage: Data from central continental Greece Deltsidou, Anna ; Tsaprounis, Taxiarchis ; Gesouli, Eftihia ; Noula, Maria ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
64 1-Mar-2008 Post-exposure prophylaxis after non-occupational exposure to HIV in Greece Konte, V. ; Pylli, Magda ; Paraskeva, Dimitra ; Tsiara, Chrissa ; Makri, Efraxia ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.
65 2008 Evaluation of a rapid antigen detection test in the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis in children and its impact on antibiotic prescription Maltezou, Helena C. ; Tsagris, Vasileios ; Antoniadou, Anastasia C. ; Galani, Lambrini ; Douros, Constantinos ; Katsarolis, Ioannis ; Maragos, Antonios ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Biskini, Panagiota ; Kanellakopoulou, Kyriaki ; Fretzayas, Andrew M. ; Papadimitriou, Theodoros ; Nicolaidou, Polyxeni N. ; Giamarellou, Eleni
66 2008 Attitudes of nurses in Greece towards influenza vaccination Raftopoulos, Vasilios
67 2008 Σχέση επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης και ικανοποίησης από τη ζωή σε νοσηλευτές που εργάζονται σε ογκολογικά τμήματα Ρούπα, Ζωή ; Τζαβέλας, Γεώργιος ; Ραφτόπουλος, Βασίλειος
68 2008 Dimensions of informal care in Greece: the family's contribution to the care of patients hospitalized in an oncology hospital Sapountzi-Krepia, Despina ; Psychogiou, Maria ; Sakellari, Evanthia ; Toris, Anastasios ; Vrettos, Anargyros ; Arsenos, Panagiotis ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
69 27-Jul-2007 Mothers’ experiences of maternity services: internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the Greek translation of the Kuopio Instrument for Mothers Sapountzi-Krepia, Despina ; Tzavelas, George ; Psychogiou, Maria ; Clark, Lynn ; Vehvilainen-Julkunen, Katri ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
70 6-Jun-2007 Surveillance of HIV Exposure and Postexposure Prophylaxis Among Health Care Workers in Greece Vasileia, Konte ; Paraskeva, Dimitra ; Pylli, Magda ; Makri, Efraxia ; Tsiara, Chrissa ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Nikolopoulos, Georgios K.
71 2007 Syndromic surveillance system Dafni, Urania ; Tsiodras, Sotirios ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
72 2007 Ωφελέειν ή μη βλάπτειν: ασφαλή περιβάλλοντα εργασίας και ποιότητα φροντίδας Ραφτόπουλος, Βασίλειος
73 2007 Test–retest reliability of the Kuopio instrument for fathers (KIF): a questionnaire to assess fathers’ feelings, experiences and preparation for their wife/partner's delivery Sapountzi-Krepia, Despina ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
74 2007 A study to ascertain the patients' satisfaction of the quality of hospital care in Greece compared with the patients' satisfaction in Poland Raftopoulos, Vasilios ; Theodosopoulou, Eleni ; Nikolaos, Triantafyliou
75 2007 Projection of the use of primary health care services in a greek primary health centre: a pilot study Noula, Maria ; Gesouli, Eftihia ; Vobiris, G. ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
76 2007 Knowledge of students training to be health care professionals about AIDS transmission Roupa, Zoi ; Mylona, E. ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
77 2007 The concept "nursing" in Greece: a focus group approach Sapountzi-Krepia, Despina ; Dimitriadou, Alexandra ; Sakellari, Evanthia ; Psychogiou, Maria ; Krepia, V. ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
78 2007 Beliefs, knowledge and attitudes of community-dwelling Greek elders towards influenza and pneumococcal vaccination Raftopoulos, Vasilios
79 6-Jul-2006 Informal in-hospital care in a rehabilitation setting in Greece: an estimation of the nursing staff required for substituting this care Sapountzi-Krepia, Despina ; Sgantzos, Marcos N. ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios
80 2006 Επιδημιολογική Eπιτήρηση της HIV/AIDS λοίμωξης στην Ελλάδα Νικολόπουλος, Γεώργιος ; Παρασκευά, Δήμητρα ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios