Ecofriendly multipurpose Biobased Products from municipal biowaste-LIFE EBP

Project title
Ecofriendly multipurpose Biobased Products from municipal biowaste-LIFE EBP
LIFE19 ENV/IT/000004
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
LIFE EBP is an environmental project (LIFE19 ENV/IT/000004) co-financed by European Commission through Life Programme ( It will be developed through the collaboration of 16 partners belonging to 5 different European countries: Hysytech S.r.l., ACEA Pinerolese Industriale S.p.A., Allegrini S.p.A., Pool.iti S.r.l., Università degli Studi di Tornio, Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza and Università degli Studi di Catania in Italy; Agricultural University of Athens and Municipality of Vrilissia in Greece; Societe D’extrusion Du Polyethylene A.Barbier Et Cie in France; BIOMASA PENINSULAR S.A., Castellón City Council and Técnicas y Tratamientos Medioambientales, S.A.U. in Spain; Cyprus University of Technology and Sewerage Board of Limassol – Amathus in Cyprus. LIFE EBP addresses environmental problems in municipal biowaste management and suggest an effective solution to valorize waste through conversion in new biobased products (BPs) for agricultural and chemical industry. The object of our project is just to demonstrate the environmental feasibility of this idea: in Europe, indeed, the problem is evident with 100 million tonnes of biowaste produced every year. It will be demonstrated also the potential positive economic and social benefits, that represent the essential conditions for a project that will aims to be widely spread and that would like to solve really a problem, creating at the same time economic growth. 5 European countries (Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy and Spain) will be involved in the activities, in order to verify the possibility to apply the technique practically all over our continent.