Co-funding InternatiONal, InterdiSciplinary and IntersectoraL research excellence at the University Of CypruS (ONISILOS)

Project title
Co-funding InternatiONal, InterdiSciplinary and IntersectoraL research excellence at the University Of CypruS (ONISILOS)
Project Coordinator
Funding Program
OpenAire ID
The University of Cyprus invites Postdoctoral Researchers to submit applications for twenty-seven (27) full-time Postdoctoral Research positions under the research programme titled: “ONISILOS - Co-funding International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral research excellence at the University of Cyprus”.

The programme is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme 2014-2020 and more specifically under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (Grant Agreement No 10103440) and the University of Cyprus.

ONISILOS fellowships are available to top Researchers from around the word and within the frame of specific intersectoral and interdisciplinary disciplines and topics.