Delineating probable Sea Routes between Cyprus and its surrounding coastal areas at the start of the Holocene: A simulation approach (SaRoCy)

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Project title
Delineating probable Sea Routes between Cyprus and its surrounding coastal areas at the start of the Holocene: A simulation approach (SaRoCy)
Start date
Expected Completion
Funding Program
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation
Although archaeological evidence has provided a relatively clear picture of when the island of Cyprus was inhabited, there is still considerable debate as to where these inhabitants originated from and the routes they most likely followed to reach the island. Based purely on similarities of the material record, e.g., architecture, lithic technology, fauna, between Cyprus and its surrounding mainland, research has suggested Anatolia and/or the Near East as the original homelands of the first Cypriot settlers. To support archaeological inquiry and inference regarding prehistoric seagoing to/from Cyprus, this project seeks to employ simulation-based algorithms for modelling drift-induced as well as directed sea-borne movements, based on data and assumptions about prevailing environmental conditions and vessel characteristics. The simulation approach will be used to delineate probable sea routes, estimate the degree of connectivity between locations on Cyprus’s coastline and locations on its neighboring mainlands, and identify areas on both coastlines where landing/departure might be most favorable. The simulation results, when contextualised with archaeological data, will be used to inform answers regarding the origin of Cyprus’s first inhabitants, the technological and possibly cognitive abilities related to successful seagoing, as well as the emergent preferred sea routes. By promoting multidisciplinary research and excellence, the project aims to shed light on, and promote aspects of, Cyprus’s prehistoric cultural heritage, particularly its maritime component, while strengthening collaborations between Cypriot and foreign (Israeli) academic and research institutions.


Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
111-Oct-2022Data for the Heritage Journal Publication 1760103Leventis, Georgios ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Nikolaidis, Andreas ; Kassianidou, Vasiliki ; Moutsiou, Theodora ; Reepmeyer, Christian ; Demesticha, Stella ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Michailides, Constantine ; Zomeni, Zomenia ; Bar-Yosef Mayer, Daniella E. ; Makovsky, Yizhaq ; McCartney, Carole 
220-May-2022SaRoCy dataset for the object 42 of simulationsLeventis, Georgios ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Nikolaidis, Andreas 
320-May-2022SaRoCy dataset for the object 76 of simulationsLeventis, Georgios ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Nikolaidis, Andreas