Global TALES: Talking About Lived Experiences in Stories

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Project title
Global TALES: Talking About Lived Experiences in Stories
Start date
The Global TALES project was initiated by the Child Language Committee of the International Association for Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP) in 2018. In this project, an international team of researchers (including Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Russia, Israel, Cyprus, Greece) set out to investigate methods for eliciting and analyzing children’s personal event narratives, with the ultimate aim of developing global tools and approaches to support interventions for this important skill in children with significant challenges in their learning, including those with language disorders. During 2018/2019, an elicitation protocol (the Global TALES protocol) was developed and conducted a pilot study, in which we used the protocol to elicit personal narratives from 10-year-old children from a range of countries. The protocol has been registered and interested parties are kindly asked to contact the project leader (A/Prof Marleen Westerveld) for permission to use the protocol for research purposes.