An Econometric and Social Analysis of the Impact of Tobacco control Policies in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Cyprus

Project title
An Econometric and Social Analysis of the Impact of Tobacco control Policies in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Cyprus
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Expected Completion
As of January 1st, 2010 Cyprus introduced a new law to ban smoking in public settings, and this may directly impact the financial revenues of the hospitality and tourism industry, namely hotel, bar/club, and restaurant revenues. On the other hand, the smoke-free law will significantly improve the quality of services offered to local customers and tourists, by protecting their right for smoke-free air; thus, making the country’s hospitality and tourism industry more competitive, and bringing it closer to international standards. These two possibilities of the smoking ban raise questions on whether the upcoming law will actually hurt or benefit the local hospitality and tourism business. The proposed project aims to provide scientific evidence to resolve this question by examining the empirical evidence on the actual and perceived financial impact of total smoking bans in the hospitality and tourism industry in Cyprus.
Hospitality industry
Tourism industry
Smoking bans