Strengthening the nurses and health care professionals' capacity to deliver culturally competent and compassionate care

Project title
Strengthening the nurses and health care professionals' capacity to deliver culturally competent and compassionate care
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
This study is funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme (2014-2016) This project aims to improve the quality of training for nurses and health care professionals in the delivery of compassionate and cultural competent care which responds to the healthcare sector needs. Its specific objectives are to: Systematically review empirical literature pertaining to universal components of compassion, as well as the measurement and practice of compassion; Construct, pilot and implement a self-assessment ‘compassion measuring tool’ (CMT); Design new training and work based learning model, for the development of compassion skills of nurses and health care professionals based on an analysis of their needs; Develop an intervention which will promote the learning, practice and support of compassion-in-practice; this will begin with the development of nursing and healthcare leaders; Evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention on service providers; Make all project tools freely available on a dedicated website; Hold an international conference; Establish a network of people working on ‘compassion’ projects for knowledge share and co-creation of knowledge. This project is a collaboration of the following institutions: a) Middlesex University London, UK (Professor Irena Papadopoulos, Co-ordinator), b) Edunet, Romania, (Victor Dudau) c) Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus, (Dr Christiana Kouta) d) Marmara University Pendik Research and Training Hospital, (Serpil Tural) e) Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Italy, (Claudia Rusticci) f) University College Lillebaelt, Denmark, (Mette Marie Jansen) g) Universitat De Valencia, Spain (Choni Donate and Jordi Garcés Ferrer)