Mohammed Bin Rashid University

Organization name
Mohammed Bin Rashid University

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Jun-2023Risk and Management of Patients with Cancer and Heart DiseaseHill, Loreena Michelle ; Delgado, Bruno ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Mannion, Tara ; Harbinson, Mark ; McCune, Claire Cardiology and therapy 
2Sep-2023Culture, ethnicity, and socio-economic status as determinants of the management of patients with advanced heart failure who need palliative care: A clinical consensus statement from the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC, the ESC Patient Forum, and the European Association of Palliative CareHill, Loreena Michelle ; Baruah, Resham ; Beattie, James M. ; Bistola, Vasiliki ; Castiello, Teresa ; Čelutkienė, Jelena ; Di Stolfo, Giuseppe ; Prager Geller, Tal ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Mindham, Richard ; McIlfatrick, Sonja ; Stromberg, Anna ; Jaarsma, Tiny European Journal of Heart Failure