Organization name
Department of Shipping
The newly established Department of Shipping within the Faculty of Management and Economics will offer its first purely oriented shipping programs in the academic year 2023-2024. The Department of Shipping is new; however, the discipline of shipping was part of the Cyprus University of Technology since its inception. The discipline has achieved an excellent track record in terms of the level of its graduates and has gained the respect of the local industry. As the only public university to offer unrivalled quality education in shipping, logistics and transportation, the Department of Shipping is well placed to capitalize on the arising external opportunities to bolster its position and create value for aspiring students, graduates and stakeholders.

In preparing for the next leap in its development, the Department and its people would be eager to hear from interested parties how mutual value can be created in this fathomless field. In addition, it is eager to provide well-substantiated support to the pertinent government bodies in developing and implementing holistic and integrated maritime policies, which will have a positive impact on the national economy, since the shipping sector is continuously flourishing and will always be a key pillar of the Cypriot and international economy.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 41-60 of 69 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
417-Mar-2023The logistics of autonomous shipping and the AEGIS projectPsaraftis, Harilaos N. ; Zis, Thalis ; Reche-Vilanova, Martina 
4217-May-2013Maritime logistics as an emerging disciplinePanayides, Photis ; Song, Dongwook 
4319-Nov-2018Measurement challenges of supply chain performance in complex shipping environmentsPanayides, Photis ; Borch, Odd Jarl ; Henk, Anastasiya 
441-Jul-2024The Mixed Fleet Hybrid Truck Platoon Network Design ProblemIoannou, I. P. ; Liatsos, V. ; Kaisar, E. ; Golias, Mihalis 
452010Organisational growth and firm performance in the international container shipping industryLun, Y. H.Venus ; Pang, King Wah ; Panayides, Photis 
4615-Dec-2023Pilot-scale biogas and in-situ struvite production from pig slurry: A novel integrated approachYan, Yixin ; Kallikazarou, Nomiki I. ; Tzenos, Christos ; Kotsopoulos, Thomas A. ; Koutsokeras, Loukas E. ; Kokkinidou, Despoina A. ; Michael, Christodoulos ; Constantinides, Georgios ; Anayiotos, Andreas ; Botsaris, George ; Nisiforou, Olympia A. ; Antoniou, Maria G. ; Fotidis, Ioannis A. 
4720-Mar-2009Port integration in global supply chains: measures and implications for maritime logisticsSong, Dongwook ; Panayides, Photis 
481-Mar-2017Reforming public port authorities through multiple concession agreements: The case of CyprusPanayides, Photis ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Andreou, Christoforos K. 
491-Jan-2022The relationship between technical innovation and financial performance in shipping firmsKouspos, Andreas ; Panayides, Omiros ; Tsouknidis, Dimitris 
50Dec-2011The relative efficiency of maritime firms: evidence from container linesPanayides, Photis ; Lambertides, Neophytos 
51Sep-2011The relative efficiency of shipping companiesLambertides, Neophytos ; Panayides, Photis ; Savva, Christos S. 
521-Feb-2022A Roadmap towards the Decarbonization of Shipping: A Participatory Approach in CyprusNisiforou, Olympia A. ; Shakou, Louisa Marie ; Magou, Afroditi ; Charalambides, Alexandros G. 
53May-2019The Routledge Handbook of Maritime ManagementPanayides, Photis 
54May-2022Safety in shipping and how autonomous vessels can improve itLoizou, Pavlos 
552022Shipping decarbonization and green portsPsaraftis, Harilaos N. ; Zis, Thalis 
561-Oct-2020Sovereign credit risk and global equity fund returns in emerging marketsAndreou, Christoforos K. ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Savvides, Andreas 
572011Strategic alliances in container liner shippingWiedmer, Robert ; Panayides, Photis 
58Sep-2012Supply chain integration of shipping companiesPanayides, Photis ; Wiedmer, Robert ; Andreou, Panayiotis ; Louca, Christodoulos 
59Jul-2019Three Essays on Behavioural Finance in Shipping MarketsMelas, Konstantinos 
602017A tool design to assessed sustainability in the shipping industryYiallouros  , Nicolas