Dalhousie University Halifax

Organization name
Dalhousie University Halifax

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
1Jul-2005Strain and deformation monitoring in infrastructure using embedded smart FRP reinforcementsKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Saha, Gobinda ; Georgiades, Tasos Composites Part B: Engineering 
21-Jul-2004Smart FRP reinforcements for long-term health monitoring in infrastructureKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Saha, Gobinda ; Georgiades, Tasos Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 
31-May-2006Micromechanics of smart composite plates with periodically embedded actuators and rapidly varying thicknessKalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Georgiades, Tasos Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials