Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης Τίτλος Συγγραφέας Journal 21 Ιου-2000 The mechanical performance of pultruded composite rods with embedded fiber-optic sensors Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Fitzgerald, Stephen B. ; Georgiades, Tasos Composites Science and Technology
22 Ιου-2007 General micromechanical modeling of smart composite shells with application to smart honeycomb sandwich structures Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Saha, Gobinda ; Georgiades, Tasos Composite Structures
23 2020 Entrepreneurial families in business across generations, contexts and cultures James, Albert E. ; Hadjielias, Elias ; Guerrero, Maribel ; Discua Cruz, Allan Fernando ; Basco, Rodrigo Journal of Family Business Management
24 25-Οκτ-2005 Embedded smart GFRP reinforcements for monitoring reinforced concrete flexural components Georgiades, Tasos ; Saha, Gobinda C. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Rokkam, Srujan K. ; Newhook, John P. ; Challagulla, Krishna S. Smart Structures and Systems
25 Ιου-2007 Effective elastic characteristics of honeycomb sandwich composite shells made of generally orthotropic materials Saha, Gobinda ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
26 2012 Dynamic Modeling and Determination of Effective Properties of Smart Composite Plates With Rapidly Varying Thickness Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Gregoriades, Tasos ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra International Journal of Engineering Science
27 Ιου-2012 Dynamic Modeling and Determination of Effective Properties of Smart Composite Plates with Rapidly Varying Thickness Hadjiloizi, Demetra ; Georgiades, Tasos ; Kalamkarov, A. L. International Journal of Engineering Science
28 1-Μαΐ-2022 Dynamic micromechanical model for smart composite and reinforced shells Christofi, Irene ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra A. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
9 Οκτ-2021 Asymptotic homogenization of magnetoelectric reinforced shells: Effective coefficients and influence of shell curvature Christofi, I. ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos International Journal of Solids and Structures
10 1-Ιαν-2022 Asymptotic homogenization of flexoelectric composite plates with periodically varying thickness Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Hadjiloizi, Demetra A. ; Weaver, Paul M. ; Georgiades, Tasos Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
11 Ιου-2007 Asymptotic homogenization modeling of thin composite network structures Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos Composite Structures
12 Ιου-2010 Asymptotic homogenization modeling of smart composite generally orthotropic grid-reinforced shells: part II- applications Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids
13 Ιου-2010 Asymptotic homogenization modeling of smart composite generally orthotropic grid-reinforced shells: part i - theory Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids
14 Φεβ-2007 Asymptotic homogenization modeling and analysis of effective properties of smart composite reinforced and sandwich shells Saha, Gobinda ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
15 1-Απρ-2007 Asymptotic homogenization model for three-dimensional network reinforced composite structures Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Georgiades, Tasos ; Kalamkarov, A. L. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
16 Ιου-2009 An asymptotic homogenization model for smart 3D grid-reinforced composite structures with generally orthotropic constituents Hassan, Essmat M. ; Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Georgiades, Tasos Smart Materials and Structures
17 9-Αυγ-2006 Asymptotic homogenization model for generally orthotropic reinforcing networks in smart composite plates Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Challagulla, Krishna S. ; Georgiades, Tasos Smart Materials and Structures
18 Ιου-2009 Asymptotic homogenization model for 3D grid-reinforced composite structures with generally orthotropic reinforcements Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Hassan, Essmat M. ; Savi, Marcelo Amorim ; Georgiades, Tasos Composite Structures
19 Νοε-2006 Analytical and numerical techniques to predict carbon nanotubes properties Kalamkarov, Alexander L. ; Rokkam, Srujan K. ; Georgiades, Tasos International Journal of Solids and Structures
20 Ιου-2011 Analytical and numerical analysis of 3D grid-reinforced orthotropic composite structures Hassan, Essmat M. ; Savi, Marcelo Amorim ; Georgiades, Tasos International Journal of Engineering Science