Hellenic National Defense General Staff

Organization name
Hellenic National Defense General Staff

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Journal
12010Threats posed by cbrn terrorism and the role of the SEDM-CBSE working group in the prevention and responseBokan, S. ; Chalaris, M. ; Stavrakakis, P. ; Sarafis, Pavlos Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 
22010Threats posed by CBRN terrorism and the role of the SEDM-CBSC working group in the prevention and responseBokan, S. ; Chalaris, Michail ; Stavrakakis, P. ; Sarafis, Pavlos Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 
32010South-eastern europe simulation network (seesim): an example of regional cooperation in south-eastern europe in the field of crisis response dealing with devastating emergencies and environmental disasters, natural or man-madeStavrakakis, P. ; Chalaris, Michail ; Sarafis, Pavlos Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 
42013Investigation of Greek military nursing academy students’ death attitudeMalliarou, Maria ; Karathanasi, Konstantinia ; Roka, Vasiliki ; Karvouniari, Alexandra ; Sarafis, Pavlos 
52010Emerging infectious diseasesStavrakakis, P. ; Chalaris, Michail ; Stamataki, Petroula ; Zyga, Sofia ; Saroglou, George J. ; Sarafis, Pavlos Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 
62010Assessing the threat of terrorist use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons in the South-East European countriesChalaris, Michail ; Stavrakakis, P. ; Sarafis, Pavlos Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology