Issue Date Title Author(s) Journal 1 1-Feb-2022 The use of patient-reported outcomes in routine cancer care: preliminary insights from a multinational scoping survey of oncology practitioners Cheung, Yin Ting ; Chan, Alexandre ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Darling, H. S. ; Eng, Lawson ; Grech, Lisa ; Van Den Hurk, Corina J.G. ; Kirk, Deborah ; Mitchell, Sandra A. ; Poprawski, Dagmara ; Rammant, Elke ; Ramsey, Imogen ; Fitch, Margaret I. ; Chan, Raymond J. Supportive Care in Cancer
2 Nov-2019 Understanding the concept of missed nursing care from a cross-cultural perspective Zeleníková, Renáta ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Gurkova, Elena ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Schubert, Maria ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Karin ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Fuster, Pilan ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Lopes, Mario A. ; Millere, Inga ; Ozsaban, Aysel ; Palese, Alvisa ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Pavloska, Katina ; Phelan, Amanda ; Postolache, Paraschiva ; Prga, Ivana ; Rasch, Agripina ; Diaz, Cristobal R. ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Anne Philomena ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Xiao, Lily ; Zorcec, Tatjana Journal of Advanced Nursing
3 May-2019 Regulation and current status of patient safety content in pre-registration nurse education in 27 countries: Findings from the Rationing - Missed nursing care (RANCARE) COST Action project Kirwan, Marcia ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Fuster, Pilar ; Borta, Margareta ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Schubert, Maria ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Karin ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Pilar, Fuster ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Gurkova, Elena ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Rengel Díaz, Cristóbal ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Philomena Anne ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Zeleníková, Renáta ; Zorcec, Tatjana Nurse Education in Practice
4 Jan-2018 Predicting variations to missed nursing care: a three-nation comparison Blackman, Ian ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Palese, Alvisa ; Vryonides, Stavros ; Henderson, Julie ; Willis, Eileen Journal of Nursing Management
5 May-2006 Noun and verb processing in Greek–English bilingual individuals with anomic aphasia and the eVect of instrumentality and verb–noun name relation Kambanaros, Maria ; Van Steenbrugge, Willem Brain and Language
6 17-Jun-2022 A Narrative Review on the Collection and Use of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes in Cancer Survivorship Care with Emphasis on Symptom Monitoring Van Den Hurk, Corina J.G. ; Mols, Floortje ; Eicher, Manuela ; Chan, Raymond J. ; Becker, Annemarie ; Geleijnse, Gijs ; Walraven, Iris ; Coolbrandt, Annemarie ; Lustberg, Maryam ; Velikova, Galina ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Koczwara, Bogda ; Howell, Doris ; Basch, Ethan M ; van de Poll-Franse, Lonneke V Current oncology
7 2002 Naming errors in bilingual aphasia: implications for assessment and treatment Kambanaros, Maria Brain Impairment
8 Jan-2010 Moral reasoning of cypriot business students: A long way off perfection Demosthenous, Maz ; Krambia-Kapardis, Maria ; Demosthenous, Maz International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations: Annual Review
9 2004 Interpreters and language assessment: confrontation naming and interpreting Kambanaros, Maria ; Van Steenbrugge, Willem International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
10 Feb-2021 The globalization of missed nursing care terminology Willis, Eileen ; Zeleníková, Renáta ; Bail, Kasia ; Papastavrou, Evridiki International Journal of Nursing Practice
11 Nov-2022 Exercise counselling and referral in cancer care: an international scoping survey of health care practitioners' knowledge, practices, barriers, and facilitators Ramsey, Imogen ; Chan, Alexandre ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Cheung, Yin Ting ; Darling, H. S. ; Eng, Lawson ; Grech, Lisa ; Hart, Nicolas H ; Kirk, Deborah ; Mitchell, Sandra A. ; Poprawski, Dagmara ; Rammant, Elke ; Fitch, Margaret I. ; Chan, Raymond J. Supportive Care in Cancer
12 Oct-2019 Developing policies and actions in response to missed nursing care: A consensus process Palese, Alvisa ; Bassi, Erika ; Tommasini, Cristina ; Vesca, Roberta ; Di Falco, Achille ; De Lucia, Paola ; Mulloni, Giovanna ; Paoletti, Flavio ; Rissolo, Raffaela ; Sist, Luisa ; Sanson, Gianfranco ; Guardini, Ilario ; Bressan, Valentina ; Mesaglio, Maura ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Blackman, Ian Journal of Nursing Management
13 21-May-2024 Demographic models predict end-Pleistocene arrival and rapid expansion of pre-agropastoralist humans in Cyprus Bradshaw, Corey J A ; Reepmeyer, Christian ; Saltré, Frédérik ; Agapiou, Athos ; Kassianidou, Vasiliki ; Demesticha, Stella ; Zomeni, Zomenia ; Polidorou, Miltiadis ; Moutsiou, Theodora Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
14 Oct-2020 Causal links to missed Australian midwifery care: What is the evidence? Blackman, Ian ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; McNeill, Liz European Journal of Midwifery
15 2020 Building Capacity in Cancer Nurses to Deliver Self-management Support: A Call for Action Paper Chan, Raymond Javan ; Mayer, Deborah K. ; Koczwara, Bogda ; Loerzel, Victoria ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Agbejule, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi ; Howell, Doris Cancer Nursing
16 Apr-2019 Advancing the science of unfinished nursing care: Exploring the benefits of cross‐disciplinary knowledge exchange, knowledge integration and transdisciplinarity Jones, Terry ; Willis, Eileen ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lemonidou, Chryssoula ; Sermeus, Walter ; Suhonen, Riitta ; Riklikiene, Olga ; Acaroglu, Rengin ; Andreou, Panayiota ; Antonic, Darijana ; Ausserhofer, Dietmar ; Baret, Christophe ; Bosch‐Leertouwer, Helen ; Bragadottir, Helga ; Bruyneel, Luk ; Christiansen, Charlotte ; Čiutienė, Rūta ; Cordeiro, Raul ; Deklava, Liana ; Dhaini, Suzanne ; Drach-Zahavy, Anat ; Eftathiou, Georgios ; Ezra, Sigal ; Pilan, Fuster ; Gotlib, Joanna ; Gurkova, Elena ; Habermann, Monika ; Halovsen, Kristin ; Hamilton, Patti ; Harvey, Clare ; Hinno, Saima ; Hjaltadottir, Ingibjörg ; Jarosova, Darja ; Jones, Terry ; Kane, Raphaela ; Kirwan, Marcia ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Leppée, Marcel ; Amorim-Lopes, Mário ; Millere, Inga ; Ozsaban, Aysel ; Palese, Alvisa ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Pavloska, Katina ; Phelan, Amanda ; Postolache, Paraschiva ; Prga, Ivana ; Rasch, Agripina ; Rengel Díaz, Cristóbal ; Rochefort, Christian ; Scott, Anne ; Simon, Michael ; Stemmer, Renate ; Tichelaar, Erna ; Toffoli, Luisa ; Tonnessen, Siri ; Uchmanowicz, Izabella ; Vuckovic, Jasminka ; Willis, Eileen ; Xiao, Lily ; Zeleníková, Renáta ; Zorcec, Tatjana Journal of Advanced Nursing