Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 441-460 of 1673 (Search time: 0.094 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4412009Evaluation and control, of marine pollution due to land-based activities – a preview of the Cyprus caseKathijotes, Nicholas 
4422010Evaluation and Control, of Marine Pollution due to Land-Based Activities – A Preview of the Cyprus CaseKathijotes, Nicholas 
4431-Dec-2009Evaluation of a sprayable, ductile cement-based composite for the seismic retrofit of unreinforced masonry infillsBillington, Sarah L. ; Kyriakides, Marios ; Blackard, Ben ; Willam, Kaspar ; Stavridis, Andreas N. ; Shing, P. Benson 
444Aug-2021Evaluation of a thermal consolidation process for the production of enhanced technical fabricsEvangelou, Angelos ; Loizou, Katerina ; Georgallas, Michalis ; Sarris, Ernestos ; Marangos, Orestes ; Koutsokeras, Loukas E. ; Yiatros, Stylianos ; Constantinides, Georgios ; Doumanidis, Charalabos ; Drakonakis, Vassilis 
4457-Dec-2012Evaluation of Broadband and Narrowband Vegetation Indices for the Identification of Archaeological Crop MarksAlexakis, Dimitrios ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Agapiou, Athos 
4461-Feb-2020Evaluation of Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS level-2 and sentinel 2 level-1C fusion techniques intended for image segmentation of archaeological landscapes and proxiesAgapiou, Athos 
4471-Apr-2016Evaluation of registration accuracy between Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8Barazzetti, Luigi ; Cuca, Branka ; Previtali, Mattia 
4481-Feb-2022Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry from High and Medium-Resolution Sensors Using Empirical MethodsEvagorou, Evagoras S. ; Argyriou, Athanasios V. ; Papadopoulos, Nikos G. ; Mettas, Christodoulos ; Alexandrakis, George ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
44915-Feb-2018Evaluation of seismic demand for substandard reinforced concrete structuresKyriakides, Nicholas ; Ahmad, Sohaib ; Pilakoutas, Kypros ; Neocleous, Kyriacos ; Chrysostomou, Christis ; Tantele, Elia ; Votsis, Renos 
45017-Oct-2019Evaluation of several vegetation indices to detect deep man-made bunkers using field spectroscopyMelillos, George ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos 
45114-Apr-2021Evaluation of Soil Loss by Water in Archaeological Landscapes by Using the (R)USLE Model and GIS. The Case Study of Paphos District, CyprusPapageorgiou, Nikoletta ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
4521-Jan-2014Evaluation of sustainability indices and indicators in the Paphos district area in CyprusItalos, Chrysostomos ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Karidis, Demetris ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. 
453Aug-2020Evaluation of the health and safety inspections state in the construction industry of CyprusTantele, Elia A ; Savva, Georgia C. ; Votsis, Renos 
14Mar-2019Evaluation of “The Seafarers”: A serious game on seaborne trade in the Mediterranean sea during the Classical periodPoullis, Charalambos ; Kersten-Oertel, Marta ; Benjamin, J. Praveen ; Philbin-Briscoe, Oliver ; Simon, Bart ; Perissiou, Dimitra ; Demesticha, Stella ; Markou, Evangeline ; Frentzos, Elias ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios ; Rizvic, Selma 
152000Examination of uncertainty in bridge managementDas, Parag C. ; Onoufriou, Toula 
1615-May-2013Examining the phenological cycle of barley (hordeum vulgare) using satellite and in situ spectroradiometer measurements for the detection of buried archaeological remainsAlexakis, Dimitrios ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Agapiou, Athos 
17Sep-2017EXcellence Research Centre for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment (EXCELSIOR) for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: the establishment of EO hub for data, products and servicesHadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Kontoes, Harry ; Schreier, Gunter ; Komodromos, George ; Ansmann, Albert ; Mamouri, Rodanthi-Elisavet ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos ; Michaelides, Silas ; Nisantzi, Argyro ; Papoutsa, Christiana ; Mettas, Christodoulos ; Tzouvaras, Marios ; Neocleous, Kyriacos ; Kouhartsiouk, Demetris ; Christofe, Andreas ; Evagorou, Evagoras G. ; Miltiadous, Milto ; Agapiou, Athos ; Ambrosia, Vincent 
18May-2020The "Excelsior" H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: ERATOSTHENES: EXcellence Research Centre for Earth SurveiLlance and Space-Based MonItoring Of the EnviRonmentHadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Schreier, Gunter ; Kontoes, Haris ; Ansman, Albert ; Komodromos, Giorgos ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos ; Neocleous, Kyriacos ; Michaelides, Silas ; Mamouri, Rodanthi-Elisavet ; Papoutsis, Ioannis ; Bühl, Johannes ; Schwarz, Egbert ; Tziortzis, Stelios ; Nisantzi, Argyro ; Mettas, Christodoulos ; Papoutsa, Christiana ; Danezis, Chris ; Tzouvaras, Marios 
1926-Aug-2020Excelsior: Earth observation opportunities for excellence in the Emmena RegionThemistocleous, Kyriacos ; Hadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Michaelides, Silas ; Neocleous, Kyriacos ; Schreier, Gunter ; Ansmann, Albert ; Kontoes, Haris ; Komodromos, George 
20Nov-2020‘EXCELSIOR’ H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Research and Innovation Agenda for Cultural HeritageHadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Leventis, Georgios ; Cerra, Daniele ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos ; Kyriakidis, Phaedon ; Agapiou, Athos ; Makri, Despina ; Papageorgiou, Nikoletta ; Danezis, Chris ; Lysandrou, Vasiliki ; Tzouvaras, Marios ; Mettas, Christodoulos ; Evagorou, Evagoras S. ; Kyriakides, Nicholas ; Akylas, Evangelos ; Michaelides, Silas ; Schreier, Gunter ; Krauss, Thomas ; Kontoes, Haris ; Komodromos, Georgios