Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics

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Organization name
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Τhe Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics (EECEI) combines the fields of Electrical Engineering, of Computer Engineering and of Computer Science under a unified multi-disciplinary department. The department offers two distinct program of studies (curricula), one for students who wish to study Electrical Engineering and one for those who wish to study Computer Engineering and Informatics is distinct. The program of Computer Engineering and Informatics combines engineering and computer science courses. There is however, a substantial overlap of mandatory and elective courses between the two programs. The department's faculty and research associates conduct world class Electrical Engineering and Computer Science research as evidenced by its prominent publication record and its ability to attract substantial external research funding. The goals of EECEI’s programs of studies include the elevation of the technical capacity and professional development in Cyprus and across the globe. Taking into consideration the globalization of markets and Cyprus’ position as a member of the European Union, we realize the need to train our students at a level that renders them competitive and skillful. Our programs aim at equipping our students with the abilities needed to face with confidence the challenges of the domestic and foreign professional sector or of post-graduate academic programs at home or abroad. Our graduates acquire the professional skills that a rapidly shifting technological environment demands, including complex reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving. They are able to assume leading roles in the industry. In addition, our graduates are in position to succeed in the private industrial sector, in the government sector, as well as in the academic and research environment. Our graduates obtain excellent communication skills, which enable them to effectively solve engineering problems both when working alone and in teams. Furthermore, our programs place great emphasis on instilling high moral and professional standards in their graduates.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Αποτελέσματα για 941-960 από 1432.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
94124-Ιου-2022Photoluminescence Creation in CYTOP Optical Fiber by Femtosecond Laser Direct WritingQue, Ruyue ; Houel-Renault, Ludivine ; Temagoult, Mebarek ; Lancry, Matthieu ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Poumellec, Bertrand 
942Νοε-2011Photonic crystal fiber Bragg grating based sensors - Opportunities for applications in healthcareSugden, Kate ; Berghmans, Francis ; Geernaert, Thomas ; Sulejmani, Sanne ; Thienpont, Hugo ; Van Steenberge, Geert ; Van Hoe, Bram ; Dubruel, Peter ; Urbanczyk, Waclaw ; Mergo, Pawel ; Webb, David J. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Van Roosbroeck, Jan 
943Απρ-2010Photonic crystal fibers ivKalli, Kyriacos ; Waclaw, Urbanczyk 
94426-Φεβ-2016Photonic gas sensors exploiting directly the optical properties of hybrid carbon nanotube localized surface plasmon structuresAllsop, Thomas P. ; Arif, Raz N. ; Neal, Ron ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Kundrát, Vojtěch ; Rozhin, Aleksey ; Culverhouse, Phil ; Webb, David J 
945Απρ-2010Photonic skin for pressure and strain sensingKalli, Kyriacos ; Chen, Xianfeng ; Webb, David J. ; Zhang, C. ; Van Hoe, Bram ; Steenberge, Van G. ; Peng, Gangding 
946Οκτ-2009Photonic skins for optical sensing: highlights of the PHOSFOS ProjectBerghmans, Francis ; Thienpont, Hugo ; Van Daele, Peter P. ; Dubruel, Peter ; Urbanczyk, Waclaw ; Rayss, Jan ; Webb, David J. ; Vlekken, Johan ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Sugden, Kate 
9472013Physical characteristics of localized surface plasmons resulting from nano-scale structured multi-layer thin films deposited on D-shaped optical fiberAllsop, Thomas P. ; Neal, Ron M. ; Dvorak, Martin ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Rozhin, A. G. ; Webb, David J 
948Ιαν-2015Pipelined SHA-3 implementations on FPGA: Architecture and performance analysisMichail, Harris ; Ioannou, Lenos ; Voyiatzis, Artemios G. 
94915-Δεκ-2017Plane-by-Plane femtosecond laser inscription method for single-peak Bragg gratings in multimode CYTOP polymer optical fibreTheodosiou, Antreas ; Lacraz, Amédéé ; Koutsides, Charalambos ; Komodromos, Michael ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Stassis, Andreas 
95015-Οκτ-2019Plane-by-Plane Written, Low-Loss Polymer Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Arrays for Multiparameter Sensing in a Smart WalkerLeal, Arnaldo G. ; Frizera, Anselmo ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Díaz, Camilo ; Jimenez, Mario ; Min, Rui ; Pontes, Maria José ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Marques, Carlos 
951Οκτ-2024Planning methods for secure islandingNakiganda, Agnes M. ; Aristidou, Petros 
952Σεπ-2018Plasmonic gas sensing in the C+L bands using femtosecond laser inscribed TFBGsIoannou, Andreas ; Vila, Álvaro Gonzalez ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Debliquy, Marc ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Caucheteur, Christophe 
95319-Μαΐ-2022Plastic scintillator-based fibre dosimeters for measurement of X-ray pulses in a clinical settingKam, Wern ; Ioannou, Andreas ; Martyn, Michael ; Sullivan, F. J. ; Posporis, Andreas ; Woulfe, Peter ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; O’Keeffe, Sinead 
9542012PM 3-‘Particulate matter monitoring’ LIFE+ Project: integration of satellite remotely sensed data and ground measurementsHadjimitsis, Diofantos G. ; Achilleos, Constantia ; Themistocleous, Kyriacos ; Kleanthous, Savvas ; Panayiotou, Charalambos ; Christofides, Ioannis ; Fedra, Kurt ; Nisantzi, Argyro ; Alexakis, Dimitrios ; Mamouri, Rodanthi-Elisavet ; Demetriadou, Chrystalla ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Agapiou, Athos ; Papoutsa, Christiana 
97516-Δεκ-2017POFBG-embedded cork insole for plantar pressure monitoringVilarinho, Débora ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Leitão, Cátia ; Leal-Junior, Arnaldo G. ; De Fátima Domingues, Maria ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; André, Paulo ; Antunes, Paulo ; Marques, Carlos 
976Οκτ-2009Point-by-point Bragg grating inscription in single-mode microstructure fibre using NIR femtosecond laserKalli, Kyriacos ; Geernaert, Thomas ; Komodromos, Michael ; Nasilowski, Tomasz ; Urbanczyk, Waclaw ; Wojcik, Jan ; Berghmans, Francis ; Thienpont, Hugo ; Koutsides, Charalambos 
97715-Μαΐ-2010Point-by-point fiber bragg grating inscription in free-standing step-index and photonic crystal fibers using near-ir femtosecond laserKalli, Kyriacos ; Komodromos, Michael ; Geernaert, Thomas ; Nasiłowski, Tomasz ; Urbańczyk, Wacław ; Wójcik, Jan ; Berghmans, Francis ; Thienpont, Hugo ; Koutsides, Charalambos 
9782011Polymer fiber bragg gratingsWebb, David J. ; Kalli, Kyriacos 
97917-Ιου-2018Polymer optical fiber Bragg Gratings in CYTOP Fibers for angle measurement with dynamic compensationLeal-Junior, Arnaldo ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Díaz, Camilo ; Marques, Carlos ; Pontes, Maria José ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Frizera-Neto, Anselmo 
98014-Οκτ-2018Polymer optical fiber sensors approaches for insole instrumentationLeal-Junior, Arnaldo G. ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Frizera, Anselmo ; Domingues, Maria F. ; Leitão, Cátia ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; André, Paulo ; Antunes, Paulo ; Pontes, Maria José ; Marques, Carlos