Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics

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Organization name
Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Τhe Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics (EECEI) combines the fields of Electrical Engineering, of Computer Engineering and of Computer Science under a unified multi-disciplinary department. The department offers two distinct program of studies (curricula), one for students who wish to study Electrical Engineering and one for those who wish to study Computer Engineering and Informatics is distinct. The program of Computer Engineering and Informatics combines engineering and computer science courses. There is however, a substantial overlap of mandatory and elective courses between the two programs. The department's faculty and research associates conduct world class Electrical Engineering and Computer Science research as evidenced by its prominent publication record and its ability to attract substantial external research funding. The goals of EECEI’s programs of studies include the elevation of the technical capacity and professional development in Cyprus and across the globe. Taking into consideration the globalization of markets and Cyprus’ position as a member of the European Union, we realize the need to train our students at a level that renders them competitive and skillful. Our programs aim at equipping our students with the abilities needed to face with confidence the challenges of the domestic and foreign professional sector or of post-graduate academic programs at home or abroad. Our graduates acquire the professional skills that a rapidly shifting technological environment demands, including complex reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving. They are able to assume leading roles in the industry. In addition, our graduates are in position to succeed in the private industrial sector, in the government sector, as well as in the academic and research environment. Our graduates obtain excellent communication skills, which enable them to effectively solve engineering problems both when working alone and in teams. Furthermore, our programs place great emphasis on instilling high moral and professional standards in their graduates.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Αποτελέσματα για 1021-1040 από 1432.

Ημερομηνία ΈκδοσηςΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέας
1021Απρ-2021Radiation induced effects on FBGs using different femtosecond laser inscription methodsTheodosiou, Antreas ; Leal-Junior, Arnaldo ; Marques, Carlos Alberto F. ; Frizera, Anselmo ; Fernandes, António José S. ; Stancalie, Andrei ; Ioannou, Andreas ; Negut, Daniel Constantin ; Kalli, Kyriacos 
10221-Νοε-2021Re-constructing the interbank links using machine learning techniques. An application to the Greek interbank marketPetropoulos, Anastasios ; Siakoulis, Vasilis ; Lazaris, Panagiotis ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. 
1023Αυγ-2019Real-time energy convex optimization, via electrical storage, in buildings – A reviewGeorgiou, Giorgos S. ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
10241-Μαΐ-2023Real-time fluid flow movement identification in porous media for reservoir monitoring application using polycarbonate optical fibre Bragg grating sensorMoslan, Mohd Shahrizan ; Othman, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan ; Samavati, Alireza ; Theodosiou, Antreas ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi ; Rahman, Mukhlis A. 
10259-Ιαν-2017Real-time kinetic binding studies at attomolar concentrations in solution phase using a single-stage opto-biosensing platform based upon infrared surface plasmonsAllsop, Thomas P. ; Mou, Chengbo ; Neal, Ron M. ; Mariani, Stefano ; Nagel, David Andrew ; Tombelli, Sara ; Poole, Andrew J. ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Hine, Anna V. ; Webb, David J. ; Culverhouse, Phil ; Minunni, Maria ; Bennion, Ian 
1026Απρ-2017A real-Time targeted recommender system for supermarketsChristodoulou, Panayiotis ; Christodoulou, Klitos ; Andreou, Andreas S. 
102713-Ιου-2015Recent improvement of medical optical fibre pressure and temperature sensorsPoeggel, Sven ; Duraibabu, Dineshbabu ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Leen, Gabriel ; Dooly, Gerard ; Lewis, Elfed ; Kelly, Jimmy ; Munroe, Maria 
1028Απρ-2008Recent progress in polymer optical fibre gratingsZhang, Chi ; Carroll, Karen E. ; Webb, David J. ; Bennion, Ian ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Emiliyanov, Grigoriy ; Bang, Ole ; Kjær, Erik Michael ; Peng, Gangding 
1229Ιαν-2020Recent trends and advances of fibre Bragg grating sensors in CYTOP polymer optical fibresTheodosiou, Antreas ; Kalli, Kyriacos 
1230Μαΐ-2017Recurrent convolutional adversarial networks for generative modeling of human motionΟδυσσέως, Λάμπρος 
1231Μαρ-2017Recurrent latent variable conditional heteroscedasticityChatzis, Sotirios P. 
1232Ιου-2018A Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Supervised Modeling of High-Dimensional Sequential DataChristodoulou, Panayiotis ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Andreou, Andreas S. 
123327-Αυγ-2017Recurrent latent variable networks for session-based recommendationChatzis, Sotirios P. ; Christodoulou, Panayiotis ; Andreou, Andreas S. 
1234Μαΐ-2014Reduced power expenditure in the minimum latency transmission scheduling problemCharalambous, Themistoklis ; Klerides, Evelina ; Christodoulides, Paul ; Deliparaschos, Kyriakos M. 
1235Απρ-2021A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Fast Frequency Control in Low-Inertia Power SystemsStanojev, Ognjen ; Kundacina, Ognjen ; Markovic, Uros ; Vrettos, Evangelos ; Aristidou, Petros ; Hug, Gabriela 
123629-Ιαν-2015Removing atherosclerotic plaque created using high cholesterol diet in rabbit using ultrasoundDamianou, Christakis A. ; Christofi, Christos ; Mylonas, Nicos 
123721-Απρ-2019Renewable energy integration through optimal unit commitment and electricity storage in weak power networksNikolaidis, Pavlos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. ; Poullikkas, Andreas 
1238Μαΐ-2021Renormalization and mixing of the Gluino-Glue operator on the latticeCosta, Marios ; Herodotou, Herodotos ; Philippides, Phivos ; Panagopoulos, Haralambos G. 
12391-Δεκ-2012Replaying the geometric growth of complex networks and application to the AS internetKrioukov, Dmitri; Papadopoulos, Fragkiskos ; Psomas, Constantinos
1240Απρ-2018Requirements for surface plasmon resonance excitation in air with slightly tilted fiber Bragg gratingsGonzález-Vila, Álvaro ; Loyez, Médéric ; Ioannou, Andreas ; Caucheteur, Christophe