Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts

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Organization name
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Vision and Objectives Our vision is to establish the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts as a leading educational and research centre in the disciplines of Multimedia and the Graphic Arts. Our aim is to develop and disseminate cross discipline academic values and knowledge that will provide the necessary background for successful professionals in the areas of Multimedia and the Graphic Arts. More specifically, the aims of the Department are: To attract high calibre students and academics. To offer high quality undergraduate and postgraduate academic experience and professional development to both local and international students, including, European Union students. To undertake and complete high calibre research projects. Through research and teaching activities, to establish links with national and internationally established centres, which are active in the areas of Multimedia and the Graphic Arts. To offer students the most up-to-date academic training. To facilitate and encourage student and Academic and Teaching Staff mobility, especially, in the European academic and research environment. To provide the foundations for the promotion of lifelong education. Multimedia and Graphic Arts graduates will acquire the necessary academic background that will enable them to: Design and manage projects that include the use of both conventional and digital Graphic Arts and of Multimedia, in general. Such projects will involve applications in different disciplines, such as, Education, Advertising, Marketing, the arts and information dissemination. Establish life-long relations and cooperation with industry representatives, for the mutual benefit of both parties. Be able to operate satisfactorily within both the local and the international environment, and to gain the ability to be aware of, absorb, and capitalise on the technological developments in the discipline. Be able to participate in and/or manage team projects.

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 101-120 of 1187 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10123-Nov-2023Books, Type and Cyprus. A Cyprological Book ArchivePanayides, Omiros 
10215-Jun-2023Books, type and Cyprus: A digital archive on the webPanayides, Omiros 
1032017BoomPapadima, Aspasia 
1042019Branding Collective Actions: The Analysis of Visual Semiotics Used by the Active Groups Within the Walls of South Nicosia, CyprusPanayides, Omiros ; Marina, Hadjilouca 
1052019Branding patriarchy: The rituals and design choices of the all-male Greek-Cypriot coffee shopPapadima, Aspasia 
1062014Branding του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος «ΜΑ γραφιστική επικοινωνία» του Τμήματος Πολυμέσων & Γραφικών Τεχνών του Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου ΚύπρουΠαπαδοπούλου, Στέφανη 
1072012Branding, οπτική ταυτότητα και λύσεις τυπογραφικών και σχεδιαστικών προβλημάτων του Μουσείου Νερού στην ΛεμεσόΠολυβίου, Σωτήρης 
108Apr-2020Branding, οπτική ταυτότητα και σχεδιαστικές λύσεις για το χωριό ΛεύκαραΚωνσταντίνου, Νεκταρία 
109Nov-2014Bringing Technology In The Service Of Gender Equality: The Womenpower projectKrambia-Kapardis, Maria ; Parmaxi, Antigoni ; Kouta, Christiana ; Vasiliou, Christina ; Ioannou, Andri ; Lambrou, George 
110May-2023Building the Website of Engino Using a UX Research Approach: An Industry ProjectAgathangelou, Lilia 
111Nov-2018BuzzwireVR: An Immersive Game to Supplement Fine-Motor Movement TherapyChristou, Chris ; Michael-Grigoriou, Despina ; Sokratous, Dimitris ; Tsiakoulia, Marianna 
1122005CAKE: Knowledge elicitation in user-centred HCI via mobile linear card sortingZaphiris, Panayiotis ; Mohamedally, Dean ; Petrie, Helen 
11311-Mar-2009Can multimedia make kids care about social studies? the globaled problem-based learning simulationIoannou, Andri ; Brown, Scott B. ; Hannafin, Robert H. ; Boyer, Mark A. 
1141-Aug-2018Can the crowd tell how I feel? Trait empathy and ethnic background in a visual pain judgment taskMatsangidou, Maria ; Otterbacher, Jahna ; Ang, Chee Siang ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis 
11522-Jul-2023Care in Creative PracticesKoutsomichalis, Marinos 
11624-Mar-2021A Case of De-colonialist AttnGAN Text to ImageSynthesisKoutsomichalis, Marinos ; Achilleos, Alexia 
117Sep-2011A case study analysis of a constructionist knowledge building community with activity theoryAng, Chee Siang ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Wilson, Stephanie 
1182013A Case Study of Interactive Tabletops in Education: Attitudes, Issues of Orientation and Asymmetric CollaborationChristofi, Maria ; Ioannou, Andri ; Vasiliou, Christina 
1192014A case study on using iPads to encourage collaborative learning in an undergraduate web development classLoizides, Fernando ; Souleles, Nicos ; Mavri, Aekaterini 
1202016Catalogue Æsthetics: Database In and As MusicKoutsomichalis, Marinos