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Organization name
Department of Nursing

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 1516 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201Δεκ-2022Developing a woman-centered, inclusive definition of traumatic childbirth experiences: A discussion paperLeinweber, Julia ; Fontein-Kuipers, Yvonne ; Thomson, Gill ; Karlsdóttir, Sigfrídur Inga ; Nilsson, Christina ; Ekström-Bergström, Anette ; Olza, Ibone ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Stramrood, Claire 
2022-Σεπ-2020Developing and assessing the effectiveness of a nurse-led home-based educational programme for managing breathlessness in lung cancer patients. A feasibility studyChoratas, Aristides ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Kouta, Christiana 
20310-Απρ-2023Developing and field testing the Neighbourhood Observational Tool for auditing urban community environments (CyNOTes) in the city of Limassol, CyprusKleopa, Daphne ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Kouta, Christiana ; Middleton, Nicos 
204Οκτ-2019Developing policies and actions in response to missed nursing care: A consensus processPalese, Alvisa ; Bassi, Erika ; Tommasini, Cristina ; Vesca, Roberta ; Di Falco, Achille ; De Lucia, Paola ; Mulloni, Giovanna ; Paoletti, Flavio ; Rissolo, Raffaela ; Sist, Luisa ; Sanson, Gianfranco ; Guardini, Ilario ; Bressan, Valentina ; Mesaglio, Maura ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Blackman, Ian 
20528-Ιου-2023Development and feasibility study of the heart failure management program 'SupportHeart'Kyriakou, Martha ; Malaktou, Α. ; Middleton, Nicos ; Philippou, Katerina ; Vouri, N. ; Samara, Anastasia ; Barberis, Vassilis I. I. ; Avgousti, Sotiris ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini 
2061-Ιαν-2020Development and implementation of clozapine protocol in patients with schizophrenia in GreeceNystazaki, Maria ; Karanikola, Maria ; Gartzoni, V. ; Georgou, A. ; Tolia, St ; Liapis, Chr ; Psomiadi, M. ; Alevizopoulos, G. 
2072022Development and Validation of the Greek version of Self-Care Heart Failure Index (Gr-SCHFI) in Patients with Heart FailureLambrinou, Ekaterini ; Thodi, Maria ; Samara, Anastasia ; Philippou, Katerina ; Paikousis, Lefkios ; Sentouxi, Panayiota ; Filippatos, Gerasimos ; Bistola, Vasiliki ; Parissis, John ; Kyriakou, Martha 
208Αυγ-2019Development of a Tool for the Assessment of Nurses' Attitudes Toward DeliriumPapastavrou, Evridiki ; Papaioannou, Maria C. ; Evripidou, Melina ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Kouta, Christiana ; Merkouris, Anastasios 
209Μαρ-2023The Development of an Empathy Curriculum (Empathy in Health) for Healthcare Students Using VR TechnologyPapageorgiou, Alexia ; Leinweber, Julia ; Böhm, Kerstin ; Constantinou, Constantina ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Karpeli, Eleni ; Savoulidou, Konstantina ; Strimpakos, Nikos ; Knais, Christiana ; Horlait, Melissa ; Papastamatiou, Nikos ; Papadopoulou, Chrystalleni 
102012Development of an Instrument to Determine Competencies of Postgraduate ICU Nurses in CyprusMerkouris, Anastasios ; Hadjibalassi, Maria ; Athini, Evdokia ; Georgiou, Evanthia ; Nicolaou, Elisavet ; Tsangari, Haritini ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini 
112020Device-associated health care-associated infections: The effectiveness of a 3-year prevention and control program in the Republic of CyprusIordanou, Stelios ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Middleton, Nicos ; Palazis, Lakis ; Timiliotou-Matsentidou, Chrystalla ; Raftopoulos, Vasilios 
12Μαΐ-2018Devices for objective assessment of physical activity in patients with heart failure: a systematic reviewKyriakou, Martha ; Klompstra, Leonie ; Jaarsma, Tiny ; Middleton, Nicos ; Piepoli, Massimo ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini 
13Νοε-2020Diabetes and female gender are found to increase the hazard of deterioration? Results from the MEETinCY trialLambrinou, Ekaterini ; Protopapas, Andreas ; Christoforou, Nicholas ; Vouri, Ν. ; Malaktou, Α. ; Barberis, Vassilis I. I. ; Kalogirou, Fotini 
1416-Ιου-2020Diabetic patient assessment of chronic illness care using PACIC+Malliarou, Maria ; Desikou, Christina ; Lahana, Eleni ; Kotrotsiou, Styliani ; Paralikas, Theodosios ; Nikolentzos, Athanasios ; Kotrotsiou, Evangelia ; Sarafis, Pavlos 
1520-Μαΐ-2009Dietary and other lifestyle characteristics of Cypriot school children: Results from the nationwide CYKIDS studyLazarou, Chrystalleni ; Panagiotakos, Demosthenes B. ; Matalas, Antonia-Leda ; Kouta, Christiana 
16Δεκ-2015Difference between received and expected knowledge of patients undergoing knee or hip replacement in seven European countriesKlemetti, Seija ; Leino-Kilpi, Helena ; Cabrera, Esther ; Copanitsanou, Panagiota ; Ingadottir, Brynja ; Istomina, Natalja ; Katajisto, Jouko ; Papastavrou, Evridiki ; Unosson, Mitra ; Valkeapää, Kirsi 
1723-Μαΐ-2024Differences in presentation, diagnosis and management of heart failure in women. A scientific statement of the Heart Failure Association of the ESCRosano, Giuseppe M C ; Stolfo, Davide ; Anderson, Lisa ; Abdelhamid, Magdy ; Adamo, Marianna ; Bauersachs, Johann ; Bayes-Genis, Antoni ; Böhm, Michael ; Chioncel, Ovidiu ; Filippatos, Gerasimos ; Hill, Loreena Michelle ; Lainscak, Mitja ; Lambrinou, Ekaterini ; Maas, Angela H E M ; Massouh, Angela R ; Moura, Brenda ; Petrie, MarkC ; Rakisheva, Amina ; Ray, Robin ; Savarese, Gianluigi ; Skouri, Hadi ; Van Linthout, Sophie ; Vitale, Cristiana ; Volterrani, Maurizio ; Metra, Marco I. ; Coats, Andrew J.S. 
182012Different Patterns of Association of Body Fat Percent and Body Mass Index with Pre-adolescent and Adolescent Asthma: a Cross-sectional Study Amongst Cypriot SchoolchildrenYiallouros, Panayiotis K. ; Lamnisos, Demetris ; Kolokotroni, K ; Moustaki, Maria ; Middleton, Nicos 
19Φεβ-2022Digital Delivery of Mental Health Therapies: A guide to the benefits and challenges, and making it workRothwell, Emily ; Elliot, Kate ; Da'Bell, Dan Mills ; Green, Lynne ; Hanley, Terry ; Wyatt, Claire ; Lloyd, Mike ; Parry, Sarah ; Karekla, Maria ; Kassianos, Angelos P. ; Papageorgiou, Danae ; Nield, Cal ; Rees, Sarah ; Welford, Mary ; Yates, Anne Marie ; Brick, Holly ; Wilks, Chelsey ; Farrell, Derek ; Clifford, Clair ; Perkin, Alesia Moulton ; Masheder, Jiva ; Cavanagh, Kate ; Strauss, Clara ; Burbach, Frank ; Helps, Sarah ; McMahon, Elizabeth ; Powell, John ; Weitz, Phillipa ; Jeans, Andy ; Leigh, Simon ; Andrews, Tim ; Gilding, Kate ; Donkin, Liesje ; Fleming, Terry 
20Σεπ-2021A digital resource for enhancing parental health literacy during the transition to parenthoodMiddleton, Nicos ; Kolokotroni, Ourania ; Christodoulides, Veronica ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Gourounti, Claire ; Leinweber, Julia ; Gouni, Olga ; Lykeridou, Katerina ; Sarantaki, Antigoni ; Karanikola, Maria ; Nicolaou, Christiana ; Kouta, Christiana ; Bachetta, Britta ; Papain, Shabira ; Pedersen, Eline ; Baum, Alison