Faculty of Management and Economics

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Organization name
Faculty of Management and Economics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 181-200 of 251 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
181May-2022Safety in shipping and how autonomous vessels can improve itLoizou, Pavlos 
18225-Aug-2020Sales and promotions and the great recession deflationKoursaros, Demetris ; Papadopoulou, Niki ; Savva, Christos S. 
1831-Jan-2023Sales and promotions and the great recession deflationKoursaros, Demetris ; Michail, Nektarios A. ; Papadopoulou, Niki ; Savva, Christos S. 
18412-Apr-2021Sales and promotions and the great recession deflationKoursaros, Demetris 
185May-2018Samsung και Apple: Αναλύοντας τη χρηματοοικονομική πληροφόρηση των ηγετών της τεχνολογίας και η επίδραση των εξωτερικών και ενδοεπιχειρησιακών παραγόντων στην απόδοση τουςΠαπαδόπουλος, Θεόδωρος 
1861-Dec-2021Sentiment-augmented supply and demand equations for the dry bulk shipping marketMichail, Nektarios A. ; Melas, Konstantinos D. 
1872022Shipping decarbonization and green portsPsaraftis, Harilaos N. ; Zis, Thalis 
188Jan-2018Shipping forward looking variables, policy uncertainty and global macro-factorsConstantinou, Ioannis 
189Sep-2020Shipping markets in turmoil: An analysis of the Covid-19 outbreak and its implicationsMichail, Nektarios A. ; Melas, Kostis D. 
190May-2018Shipping stock returns and shipping factors : an investigation for the US listed firms before and after the 2008 financial crisisNeophytou, Rita Areti 
1918-Nov-2017Size effects of fiscal policy and business confidence in the Euro AreaMichail, Nektarios A. ; Savva, Christos S. ; Koursaros, Demetris 
1922-Dec-2018Skewed type III generalized logistic distributionTheodossiou, Panayiotis 
1931-Jun-2016Skewness and the relation between risk and returnTheodossiou, Panayiotis ; Savva, Christos S. 
1941-Oct-2020Sovereign credit risk and global equity fund returns in emerging marketsAndreou, Christoforos K. ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Savvides, Andreas 
1951-Aug-2022Stochastic properties and pricing of bitcoin using a GJR-GARCH model with conditional skewness and kurtosis componentsTheodossiou, Panayiotis ; Ellina, Polina ; Savva, Christos S. 
1962019Stock market predictability 2000–2014: The effect of the great recessionMichail, Nektarios A. 
19728-May-2021Stock price crash risk: A critique of the agency theory viewpointAndreou, Panayiotis ; Lambertides, Neophytos ; Magidou, Marina 
1981-May-2014Stock return outliers and beta estimation: The case of U.S. pharmaceutical companiesTheodossiou, Alexandra K. ; Theodossiou, Panayiotis 
19921-Sep-2020Stock returns are not always from the same distribution: Evidence from the Great RecessionMichail, Nektarios A. ; Magidou, Marina 
2002011Strategic alliances in container liner shippingWiedmer, Robert ; Panayides, Photis