Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management

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Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management
Dean’s Welcome Message Welcome to the webpages of the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management. The Faculty currently includes two academic entities – the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, and the Department of Environmental Science and Technology. In terms of both education and research, our Faculty deals with topics that are at the heart of modern societal challenges. The agricultural and food sectors are increasingly important for providing adequate food supplies to a growing global population, while trying to avoid causing irreversible damage to human health and ecosystems. Besides its role for primary production and food security, agriculture can also be particularly beneficial for the environment by preventing the occurrence of problems such as soil erosion and land desertification. We also address a range of fields related to the protection of natural resources and the environment – air, water and soil pollution, waste management, sustainable energy use. Especially at a period of climate change, which is closely related to our living standards, these topics call for interdisciplinary approaches. Our Faculty offers education on natural and technological sciences like chemistry, physics, microbiology, toxicology and biotechnology, with a focus on their environmental and agronomical aspects. Agricultural and environmental economics and management for policy support are also important parts of our curriculum and research output. Our academic staff is heavily involved in international cooperation. Participating in research projects and organising international conferences and workshops, we try to provide intellectual stimulation to our students and keep them up-to-date with international activities in our disciplines. We have also developed close links with the private sector and NGOs in Cyprus, and several Faculty members serve as advisors to national and local authorities for the formulation of appropriate agricultural and environmental policies. It is clear that the focus of our Faculty is on very topical scientific fields with considerable employment prospects. According to national and EU-wide employment authorities, ‘green jobs’ are projected to be among the most flourishing sectors in the near future. For this purpose, our undergraduate and postgraduate education aims at offering a wide spectrum of fundamental knowledge as well as critical skills for learning and analysing complex problems. Irrespective of how outdated technologies and practical tools become over the years, the ability of critical thinking and the desire for continuous learning and improving one’s knowledge and skills are crucial for our prosperity. We hope that we successfully convey this message to both our graduates and the general public. Theodoros Zachariadis Dean of the Faculty of Geotechnical Sciences and Environmental Management

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 501-520 of 2095 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
50130-Jul-2022Exogenous melatonin increases salt tolerance in bitter melon by regulating ionic balance, antioxidant system and secondary metabolism-related genesSheikhalipour, Morteza ; Mohammadi, Seyed Abolghasem ; Esmaielpour, Behrooz ; Zareei, Elnaz ; Kulak, Muhittin ; Ali, Sajid ; Nouraein, Mojtaba ; Bahrami, Mohammad Kazem ; Gohari, Gholamreza ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios 
5022010Exogenous nitric oxide application results in the modification of the antioxidant status of Medicago truncatula plantsFilippou, Panagiota S. ; Ioannides, Ioannis ; Polidoros, Alexios N. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Antoniou, Chrystalla 
5031-Mar-2021Expanding ecological assessment by integrating microorganisms into routine freshwater biomonitoringSagova-Mareckova, Marketa ; Boenigk, Jens ; Bouchez, Agnès ; Cermakova, Kristina ; Chonova, Teofana ; Cordier, Tristan ; Eisendle, Ursula ; Elersek, Tina ; Fazi, Stefano ; Fleituch, Tadeusz ; Frühe, Larissa ; Gajdošová, Magdalena ; Graupner, Nadine ; Haegerbaeumer, Arne ; Kelly, Ann Marie ; Kopecky, Jan ; Leese, Florian ; Nõges, Peeter ; Orlić, Sandi ; Panksep, Kristel ; Pawłowski, Jan W. ; Petrusek, Adam ; Piggott, Jeremy J. ; Rusch, Johannes Christopher ; Salis, Romana K. ; Schenk, Janina ; Šimek, Karel ; Šťovíček, Adam ; Strand, David Allan ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Vrålstad, Trude ; Zlatkovic, S. ; Zupančič, Maša ; Stoeck, Thorsten 
5042-Sep-2021Experimental and Process Modelling Investigation of the Hydrogen Generation from Formic Acid Decomposition Using a Pd/Zn CatalystHafeez, Sanaa ; Barlocco, Ilaria ; Al-Salem, Sultan M. ; Villa, Alberto ; Chen, Xiaowei ; Delgado, Juan J. ; Manos, George ; Dimitratos, Nikolaos ; Constantinou, Achilleas 
5055-Feb-2024Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Mechanism of the Reduction of O2 from Air to O22- by VIVO2+-N,N,N-Amidate Compounds and Their Potential Use in Fuel CellsPapanikolaou, Michael G. ; Hadjithoma, Sofia ; Keramidas, Odysseas ; Drouza, Chryssoula ; Amoiridis, Angelos ; Themistokleous, Alexandros ; Hayes, Sofia C. ; Miras, Haralampos N. ; Lianos, Panagiotis ; Tsipis, Athanassios C. ; Kabanos, Themistoklis A. ; Keramidas, Anastasios D. 
506May-2021Expiration date of ready-to-eat salads: Effects on microbial load and biochemical attributesXylia, Panayiota ; Botsaris, George ; Skandamis, Panagiotis ; Tzortzakis, Nikos G. 
507Nov-2015Exploring drivers of energy demand in Cyprus - Scenarios and policy optionsZachariadis, Theodoros ; Taibi, Emanuele 
50829-May-2024Exploring the effects of Ozone on Freshwater Cyanobacteria and Green Algae in Surface WatersTsiarta, Nikoletta ; Chatziathanasiou, E. ; Antoniou, Maria G. 
50920-Feb-2021Exploring the phototransformation and assessing the in vitro and in silico toxicity of a mixture of pharmaceuticals susceptible to photolysisOfrydopoulou, Anna ; Evgenidou, Eleni ; Nannou, Christina ; Vasquez Christodoulou, Marlen ; Lambropoulou, Dimitra 
5101-Mar-2012Exploring the Phytochemical Content and the Antioxidant Potential of Citrus Fruits Grown in CyprusGoulas, Vlasios ; Manganaris, George A. 
5111-Jun-2023Exploring the Potential of Halloumi Second Cheese Whey for the Production of Lactic Acid Cultures for the Dairy IndustryNaziri, Eleni ; Papadaki, Eugenia ; Savvidis, Iordanis ; Botsaris, George ; Gkatzionis, Konstantinos ; Mugampoza, Ediriisa ; Mantzouridou, Fani Th. 
5122012Exploring the potential of kresoxim-methyl as a priming agent towards protection of Medicago truncatula plants grown under abiotic stress conditionsFilippou, Panagiota S. ; Harokopos, Evangelos ; Kanetis, Loukas ; Aidinis, Vassilis ; Antoniou, Chrystalla 
51322-May-2022Exploring the potential of metallic peroxide granules for the in-situ mitigation of cyanoHABsAntoniou, Maria G. ; Keliri, Eleni ; Christofi, Manolis ; Efstathiou, Nektarios 
51410-Jan-2020Exploring the Potential of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Sulfide (NOSH)-Releasing Synthetic Compounds as Novel Priming Agents against Drought Stress in Medicago sativa PlantsAntoniou, Chrystalla ; Xenofontos, Rafaella ; Chatzimichail, Giannis ; Christou, Anastasis ; Kashfi, Khosrow ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios 
51530-May-2014Exploring the potential of NOSH-aspirin as a plant priming agent against abiotic stress factorsChatzimichail, Giannis ; Kashfi, Khosrow ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios ; Antoniou, Chrystalla 
51629-May-2024Exploring the potential of Peroxymonosulfate (PMS) as a better alternative to Hydrogen Peroxide tratment for the IN-SITU mitigation of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CYANO-HABS)Antoniou, Maria G. ; Keliri, Eleni ; Zindrou, A. ; Deligiannakis, Y. ; Passa, E. ; Weitzel, K. ; Dionysiou, D. 
51729-Feb-2024Exploring the potential of priming agents towards enhanced performance of Rubus speciesManganaris, George A. ; Valanides, Nicolas ; Gohari, R. ; Milivojevic, J. ; DeVetter, L.W. ; Fotopoulos, Vasileios 
51831-Mar-2022Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal WelfareSilva, Severiano R ; Sacarrão-Birrento, Laura ; Almeida, Mariana ; Ribeiro, David M ; Guedes, Cristina ; González Montaña, José Ramiro ; Pereira, Alfredo F ; Zaralis, Konstantinos ; Geraldo, Ana ; Tzamaloukas, Ouranios ; Cabrera, Marta González ; Castro, Noemí ; Argüello, Anastasio ; Hernández-Castellano, Lorenzo E ; Alonso-Diez, Ángel J ; Martín, María J ; Cal-Pereyra, Luis G ; Stilwell, George ; de Almeida, André M 
51912-Jan-2019Extracellular electron uptake from carbon-based π electron surface-donors: Oxidation of graphite sheets by: Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans probed by Raman and FTIR spectroscopiesTselios, Charalampos ; Papageorgiou, Marios ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
520Jan-2011The extractability and mineralisation of cypermethrin aged in four UK soilsFenlon, Katie A ; Andreou, Kostas ; Jones, Kevin C ; Semple, Kirk T