Journals Organization Studies

Organization Studies
Organizing and the organized
Organization Studies (OS) is a highly ranked and globally respected, multidisciplinary journal with over 40 years history of publishing excellent organization research. OS aims at advancing our knowledge of organizations, organizing and the organized in and between societies. It is broadly rooted in the social sciences and promotes an understanding of organizations, organizing and the organized as phenomena that shape and are shaped by the societies of which they are part.

OS invites innovative high-quality research from a wide range of philosophical traditions, disciplines, and methodological approaches. It encourages the interplay between theorizing and empirical research, in the belief that they are mutually informative.

OS welcomes articles that push organization theory forward through research that fully or partly draws on empirical data to research studies based on qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Further, we accept conceptual articles that develop theory without reliance on empirical data. In the medium term, OS will focus on empirical manuscripts and will advise authors of manuscripts that do not draw on empirical data in any form to submit to Organization Theory (OT) instead.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12021Marriage to the Same Kind: Organizational Political Ideology and Mergers and AcquisitionsChow, Dawn Yi Lin ; Louca, Christodoulos ; Petrou, Andreas ; Procopiou, Andreas 
21-Sep-2017Organizing Solidarity Initiatives: A Socio-spatial Conceptualization of ResistanceDaskalaki, Maria ; Kokkinidis, George