Journals Oncology Nursing Forum

Oncology Nursing Forum

Journals Publications

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2020Cancer Nursing's Potential to Reduce the Growing Burden of Cancer Across the WorldYates, Patsy ; Charalambous, Andreas ; Fennimore, Laura ; Nevidjon, Brenda ; So, Winnie K W ; Suh, Eunyoung E ; Woodford, Emma ; Young, Annie M. 
2May-2006Prospective assessment of fatigue and health status in Greek patients with breast cancer undergoing adjuvant radiotherapyLavdaniti, Maria ; Patiraki, Elisabeth ; Dafni, Urania ; Katapodi, Maria ; Papathanassoglou, Elizabeth ; Sotiropoulou, Anastasia