Journals Tourism Economics

Tourism Economics
Public policy (strategies, fiscal and other intervention policies)
Economic development
Market structures and competition
Sources of capital provision
Labour economics (quality and productivity issues)
Business aspects of marketing
Private and public sector interaction
Economic appraisal at sector and project level
Mathematical modelling
Developments in the components of the product
Structure of the tourism industry (including such issues as ownership, corporate size, international operations, etc)
Regional economic effects of tourism developments
Analysis of international data on tourism, such as WTO statistics
Public policy (strategies, fiscal and other intervention policies)
Economic development
Market structures and competition
Sources of capital provision
Labour economics (quality and productivity issues)
Business aspects of marketing
Private and public sector interaction
Economic appraisal at sector and project level
Mathematical modelling
Developments in the components of the product
Structure of the tourism industry (including such issues as ownership, corporate size, international operations, etc)
Regional economic effects of tourism developments
Analysis of international data on tourism, such as WTO statistics
Tourism Economics is an international peer reviewed journal, covering the business aspects of tourism in the wider context. It takes account of constraints on development, such as social and community interests and the sustainable use of tourism and recreation resources, and inputs into the production process. The definition of tourism used includes tourist trips taken for all purposes, embracing both stay and day visitors. Articles address the components of the tourism product (accommodation; restaurants; merchandizing; attractions; transport; entertainment; tourist activities); and the economic organization of tourism at micro and macro levels (market structure; role of public/private sectors; community interests; strategic planning; marketing; finance; economic development).
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Journal type
Hybrid Journal