Journals Global Finance Journal

Global Finance Journal
Islamic finance
Financial technology and financial inclusion in emerging markets
Culture and financial decision making
Global Finance Journal aims to publish rigorous theoretical, conceptual, and empirical articles dealing with issues in all areas of finance. The Journal is particularly interested in original articles that deal with environmental, social and governance factors in financial decision making and their impact on valuation. Articles with an international/global perspective are especially welcome. Although not exhaustive, papers providing insight into the following broad areas fall within the scope of Global Finance Journal: alternative assets, asset pricing, behavioral finance, capital structure, central banking, commodities, cost of capital, credit markets, dividends, emerging markets, energy markets, ethics in financial markets, exchange rates, experimental finance, financial accounting , fintech, foreign exchange markets, governance, interest rates, mergers and acquisitions, market regulation, real estate finance, risk management and hedging. Global Finance Journal also aims to provide space for the publication of well-executed ideas that break from the tradition and provide answers or solutions that utilize a non-conventional approach or challenge group-think.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal Webpage
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11994Linkages between the U.S. and Japanese stock markets: a bivariate garch-m analysisKoutmos, Gregory ; Theodossiou, Panayiotis