Journals IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Computing and Processing
The IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy is a cross disciplinary and internationally archival journal aimed at disseminating results of research on sustainable energy that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences energy generation, transmission, distribution and delivery. The journal publishes original research on theories and development on principles of sustainable energy technologies and systems. The Transactions also welcomes manuscripts on design, implementation and evaluation of power systems that are affected by sustainable energy. Surveys of existing work on sustainable energy may also be considered for publication when they propose a new viewpoint on history and a challenging perspective on the future of sustainable energy.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal type
Subscription Journal

Journals Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2022Coordination of DERs and Flexible Loads to Support Transmission Voltages in Emergency ConditionsEscobar, Francisco ; Víquez, Juan M. ; García, Jorge ; Aristidou, Petros ; Valverde, Gustavo 
21-Jul-2019LQR-Based Adaptive Virtual Synchronous Machine for Power Systems With High Inverter PenetrationMarkovic, Uros ; Chu, Zhongda ; Aristidou, Petros ; Hug, Gabriela