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The Lancet
Human health
The Lancet is the world's leading independent general medical journal. The journal's coverage is international in focus and extends to all aspects of human health. The Lancet publishes the original primary research and review articles of the highest standard. The Lancet is stringently edited and peer-reviewed to ensure the scientific merit and clinical relevance of its diverse content. Drawing on an international network of advisers and contributors, The Lancet meets the needs of physicians by adding to their clinical knowledge and alerting them to current issues affecting the practice of medicine worldwide. The blend of challenging editorials, signed commentaries, original research, commissioned reviews, an international news section, and the views of readers in the letters pages make The Lancet an essential weekly read for physicians all over the world.
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Journals Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2021Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC)Vallejo-Vaz, Antonio J. ; Stevens, Christophe A.T. ; Lyons, Alexander R.M. ; Dharmayat, Kanika I. ; Freiberger, Tomas ; Hovingh, Kees G. ; Mata, Pedro ; Raal, Frederick J. ; Santos, Raul D. ; Soran, Handrean ; Watts, Gerald F. ; Abifadel, Marianne ; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A. ; Alhabib, Khalid F. ; Al-Khnifsawi, Mutaz ; Almahmeed, Wael ; Alnouri, Fahad ; Alonso, Rodrigo ; Al-Rasadi, Khalid ; Al-Sarraf, Ahmad ; Al-Sayed, Nasreen ; Araujo, Francisco ; Ashavaid, Tester F. ; Banach, Maciej ; Béliard, Sophie ; Benn, Marianne ; Binder, Christoph J. ; Bogsrud, Martin P. ; Bourbon, Mafalda ; Chlebus, Krzysztof ; Corral, Pablo ; Davletov, Kairat ; Descamps, Olivier S. ; Durst, Ronen ; Ezhov, Marat ; Gaita, Dan ; Genest, Jacques ; Groselj, Urh ; Harada-Shiba, Mariko ; Holven, Kirsten B. ; Kayikcioglu, Meral ; Khovidhunkit, Weerapan ; Lalic, Katarina ; Latkovskis, Gustavs ; Laufs, Ulrich ; Liberopoulos, Evangelos ; Lima-Martínez, Marcos M. ; Lin, Jie ; Maher, Vincent ; Marais, David A. ; März, Winfried ; Mirrakhimov, Erkin ; Miserez, André R. ; Mitchenko, Olena ; Nawawi, Hapizah M. ; Nordestgaard, Børge G. ; Panayiotou, Andrie G. ; Paragh, György ; Petrulioniene, Zaneta ; Pojskic, Belma ; Postadzhiyan, Arman ; Raslova, Katarina ; Reda, Ashraf ; Reiner, Željko ; Sadiq, Fouzia ; Sadoh, Wilson Ehidiamen ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Shek, Aleksandr B. ; Stoll, Mario ; Stroes, Erik ; Su, Ta-Chen ; Subramaniam, Tavintharan ; Susekov, Andrey V. ; Tilney, Myra ; Tomlinson, Brian ; Truong, Thanh-Huong ; Tselepis, Alexandros D. ; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne ; Vázquez-Cárdenas, Alejandra ; Viigimaa, Margus ; Wang, Luya ; Tokgözoğlu, Lale ; Catapano, Alberico L. ; Ray, Kausik K. 
2Dec-2014Austerity and its consequences on cancer screening in GreeceTsounis, Andreas ; Sarafis, Pavlos ; Alexopoulos, Evangelos C. 
32010Comparative demographics of the European cystic fibrosis population: a cross-sectional database analysisMcCormick, Jonathan D. ; Mehta, Gita R. ; Olesen, Hanne Vebert Ebert ; Viviani, Laura ; Macek, Milan St ; Mehta, Anil ; Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. 
420-Sep-2003National suicide rates as an indicator of the effect of suicide on premature mortalityGunnell, David J. ; Middleton, Nicos