Journals Journal of the American Chemical Society

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Journal of the American Chemical Society
Chemical society
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Impact Factor (2 years)
American Chemical Society
Journal type
Hybrid Journal

Journals Publications

Results 1-10 of 10 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12008Assigning vibrational spectra of ferryl-oxo intermediates of cytochrome c oxidase by periodic orbits and molecular dynamicsFarantos, Stavros C. ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Daskalakis, Vangelis 
24-Oct-2005Detection of the His-Heme Fe2+−NO Species in the reduction of NO to N2O by ba3-Oxidase from thermus thermophilusPinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Ohta, Takehiro ; Soulimane, Tewfik ; Kitagawa, Teizo ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
36-Nov-2003Ligand binding in a docking site of cytochrome c oxidase: a time-resolved step-scan fourier transform infrared studySoulimane, Tewfik ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Koutsoupakis, Constantinos 
414-Aug-2002Resonance Raman detection of a ferrous five-coordinate nitrosylheme b 3 complex in cytochrome cbb 3 oxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeriPinakoulaki, Eftychia ; Stavrakis, Stavros ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
517-Apr-2002Decay of the transient Cu B-CO complex is accompanied by formation of the heme Fe-CO complex of cytochrome cbb 3-CO at ambient temperature: evidence from time-resolved fourier transform infrared spectroscopyStavrakis, Stavros ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Koutsoupakis, Constantinos 
617-Feb-1999Infrared evidence for Cu(B) ligation of photodissociated CO of cytochrome c oxidase at ambient temperatures and accompanied deprotonation of a carboxyl side chain of proteinIwase, Tadashi ; Varotsis, Constantinos ; Shinzawa-Itoh, Kyoko ; Yoshikawa, Shinya ; Kitagawa, Teizo 
710-Sep-1997Low-power picosecond resonance Raman evidence for histidine ligation to heme a3 after photodissociation of CO from cytochrome c oxidaseSchelvis, Johannes ; Deinum, Geurt ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
81995Photolytic activity of early intermediates in dioxygen activation and reduction by cytochrome oxidaseBabcock, Gerald T. ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
91992Structure of the heme o prosthetic group from the terminal quinol oxidase of escherichia coliWu, Wei ; Chang, Chi ; Varotsis, Constantinos 
10Jan-1990Additions and Corrections: Time-Resolved Raman Detection of ν(Fe-O) in an Early Intermediate in the Reduction of O2 Cytochrome Oxidase (J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1989) 111(16) (6439–6440) (10.1021/ja00198a075))Varotsis, Constantinos ; Woodruff, William H. ; Babcock, Gerald T.