Journals Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), formerly known as European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT), has the following aims: to attract cutting-edge publications from leading researchers and research groups around the world to become a highly cited source of timely research findings in emerging fields of telecommunications to limit revision and publication cycles to a few months and thus significantly increase attractiveness to publish to become the leading journal for publishing the latest developments in telecommunications/li> To this end, the scope of the ETT has undergone a change starting from 2012, with the emerging themes and topics in the Keywords section below being of particular interest. In order to improve the quality of published papers, a diversified and highly qualified board of executive editors has been appointed. Their main tasks are: to manage the editorial process so that the aims of the journal are met to encourage paper submission to propose special issues and topics to invite tutorials and critical reviews.
Impact Factor (2 years)
Journal Webpage
Journal type
Subscription Journal