Events International Conference on Recent Advances in Health and Medical Sciences

Conference title
International Conference on Recent Advances in Health and Medical Sciences

Events Publications

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Jul-2010Biocorrosion and biomechanical analysis of explant devicesKapnisis, Konstantinos ; Halwani, Dina O. ; Brott, Brigitta C. ; Anderson, Peter G. ; Lemons, Jack E. ; Anayiotos, Andreas 
2Jul-2010A review of non-invasive ultrasound image processing methods in the analysis of carotid plaque morphology for the assessment of strokePattichis, Constantinos S. ; Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos C. ; Pattichis, Marios S. ; Christodoulou, C. I. ; Loizou, Christos P. ; Kakkos, Stavros K. ; Spanias, Andreas ; Nicolaides, Andrew N.