Events International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

Conference title
International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence

Events Publications

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2014Message from the ICTAI 2014 General ChairAndreou, Andreas S. 
2Nov-2012A novel prototype tool for intelligent software project scheduling and staffing enhanced with personality factorsStylianou, Constantinos ; Gerasimou, Simos ; Andreou, Andreas S. 
3Oct-2007Evolving conditional value sets of cost factors for estimating software development effortPapatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Skouroumounis, Christos 
4Oct-2007Batch-optimistic test-cases generation using genetic algorithmsSofokleous, Anastasis A. ; Andreou, Andreas S. 
5Oct-2007A hybrid software component clustering and retrieval scheme using an entropy-based fuzzy k-modes algorithmAndreou, Andreas S. ; Stylianou, Constantinos